Alaska CLE - Litigation Courses

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  • From Consultation To Cross-Examination: Critical Skills In Handling A NY DWI Case

    Handling a DWI case in NY can quickly become extremely complicated. This CLE lecture will address how to best aid your client during consultation, arraignment and later during any potential litigation. This includes properly assessing the case so that you can advise your client of consequences (both direct and collateral) associated with the anticipated plea agreement. In addition, the lecture addresses how your client’s license may be affected during the pendency of the case. Finally, th... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Representing a Franchisee Against his Franchisor: Obtaining Information for Litigation

    The purpose of this lecture is to advise an attorney who is representing a franchisee in litigation against his franchisor. The most important initial aspect of the case is to gather the information that will be used to successfully prosecute the franchisee’s case. It is also very important to obtain the information that the franchisor will attempt to use against the franchisee for the inevitable counterclaim. This CLE lecture will address the steps the franchisee’s attorney should employ t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Prepare a Matrimonial Case for Trial Step by Step

    Preparation for a matrimonial trial begins with the first interview with the client. Every step which you take must be geared to preparing for trial. You begin with an initial intake form, the preparation of a complete and detailed Statement of Net Worth and move on to the detailed and thought out preparation of a Preliminary Conference Order. The Preliminary Conference Order should be prepared with great care and thought. Discovery needs should be thought through from the very beginning.... More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • Leveraging Technology for Law Office Efficiency

    This CLE course will be a presentation of concepts. For those who have not yet fully digitized their office and taken all of the functions into the cloud, this course will provide an introduction to: Owning a domain and integrated mail services. Potential integrated domain-wide applications (e.g. Google Apps or Microsoft Live) Practice Management Software (local versus cloud, integrated billing/timekeeping, integrated file storage, mobile and remote functionality, local copy synchroniz... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • How to Prepare for High Profile Cases

    Mr. Oshan and his cases have appeared in numerous print and film media venues throughout the world which includes ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NY Post, LA Times, Newsweek, The Sun, People, Inside Edition and many many others. This course will discuss how to handle a "High Profile" case. The focus will be on what makes a case interesting to various local, national, and international media venues. It will also touch upon ethical parameters which attorneys follow and how to avoid breaching client... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Disability Insurance Claims: Different Stages and Different Dangers

    ERISA and Private long-term disability insurance disputes are a complex combination of federal regulations and more traditional contract litigation and insurance law. Successfully navigating the minefields presented by ERISA (the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) and an administrative process that is highly restrictive and fraught with legal hurdles requires experience and specific substantive and procedural knowledge. This CLE course will review the differences betwee... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Discharging Student Loan Debt in Bankruptcy

    More than 44 million Americans are burdened with over $1.5 trillion of student loan debt. Although student loan debt is difficult to discharge in bankruptcy, it is not impossible. More and more debtors are seeking bankruptcy relief for student loan debt. Are you prepared to assist your clients with this process? This CLE course, presented by bankruptcy attorney Natalie Jean-Baptiste, will give you a clear understanding of student loan litigation from case evaluation and intake to trial.... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Basic Motion Writing

    In this CLE program, participants will learn the basics of writing a civil motion for filing in the New York State Supreme Court. The course covers the steps in drafting and producing a NYSCEF-ready set of motion papers, including the Notice of Motion, Attorney Affirmation, and Memorandum of Law. It also teaches a simple, efficient workflow to keep your writing on track, organized, and clear so you can spend less time stressing and more time producing high-quality, effective motions that win t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Enforcement of Judgments in New Jersey and New York

    Success in every case ultimately comes down to a collection. Obtaining a Judgment is only half the battle. A client who obtains a Judgment in his/her favor whether by default, motion or trial will not be made whole unless steps are taken to ensure the Judgment is paid. Join attorney Jeffrey H. Ward as he discusses mechanisms for collecting Judgments that are entered in the Courts of New Jersey and New York. Mr. Ward begins with a review of how Judgments can be entered in both states. Th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Navigating New Jersey Residential Foreclosures: A Plaintiff’s Guide to the Process

    New Jersey has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the country. Approximately one in every 605 properties in New Jersey was in some stage of the foreclosure process within the past year. With this staggering statistic, banks and/or private investors in New Jersey are confronted with a number of important decisions when homeowners default on their note and mortgage for their residential property. Recently, New Jersey passed a series of new laws and approved various amendments to existing... More Info

    2General Credits

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