Alaska CLE - Litigation Courses

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  • A Musical Playlist for Successful Motion Writing

    Motion writing should be as fun and inspired for the drafter; and as compelling for the reader; as music is for the listener. In this program, Tracy Frankel takes you through a musical playlist that corresponds to the many tips, rules and strategies you will need to prepare a persuasive motion. This course will provide standards to live by when making motions of any kind; strategies for the Notice of Motion, Affirmation and Memorandum of Law; helpful tips for the inclusion of exhibits; and st... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Issues Unique to Litigating Long Term Disability Insurance Claims

    This CLE program is designed to explain issues that are frequently encountered in the course of litigating long-term disability insurance claims that are unique to such claims. The program will cover the three main topics that arise frequently in long-term disability insurance litigation – legal issues (such as pre-existing condition exclusions), and medical issues relating to proof requirements, dealing with subjective disabilities, and addressing surveillance and social media. Finally, the p... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Immigration Court Practice, Litigation, and Procedure

    Today's immigration law, deportation and removal defense litigation is rife with pitfalls, hidden and strategic tactics that only a 20 year veteran of the field, through 4 different Presidential administrations both conservative and liberal, can teach you. Attorney Rahul Manchanda of the famed Wall Street law firm Manchanda Law Office PLLC takes you inside the super sub-specialty of Immigration and Deportation Defense Litigation and Trials where your Opposing Counsel is the well-fund... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Enforcement of Judgments in New Jersey and New York during the COVID Pandemic

    Success in every case ultimately comes down to a collection. Obtaining a Judgment is only half the battle. A client who obtains a Judgment in his/her favor whether by default, motion or trial will not be made whole unless steps are taken to ensure the Judgment is paid. Join attorney Jeffrey H. Ward as he discusses mechanisms for collecting Judgments that are entered in the Courts of New Jersey and New York during the COVID pandemic. Mr. Ward begins with a review of how Judgments can be... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Conduct a Deposition in a Pandemic

    The pre-trial deposition stage is a critical point in any litigation. Indeed many personal injury and commercial cases are either won or lost during the deposition phase. Our panel of experts provides practical guidance, while teaching basic deposition skills, techniques for handling commonly encountered problems, how to use depositions at trial, how to seek rulings from a trial judge, and what you need to know about conducting depositions during the pandemic. A demonstration of how to conduct... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Panning for Gold: Making Preliminary Hearings Count

    Preliminary and other pretrial evidentiary hearings are excellent opportunities to learn more about the prosecution case, test defense legal theories, and lock in the witness’s story. Just because we often lose these hearings on the merits does not mean that they cannot help us. It is important to think about the goals for the hearing, each witness, and each topic that will be covered in the hearing. The goals dictate our strategy and tactics at the hearing, especially our choice of questionin... More Info

    1General Credit
  • COVID-19 and Due Process

    This CLE program will focus on due process issues related to litigating cases during the COVID pandemic. Topics can include issues with jury selection, public access to courts, witness testimony, use of remote/video testimony, speedy trial, and best health practices in offices and in court. The presentation is designed to be modular and specific areas can be expanded or removed based on other presentations. More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • Beyond Storytelling: Using a Story Lens to Improve Fact Investigation, Case Theory, Evidentiary Arguments & Preservation

    As trial lawyers, storytelling is our most powerfully persuasive advocacy tool. Stories connect us to one another, help us to understand events, and solve problems. The instinct to communicate through story is so deeply and universally ingrained in the human condition that it seems encoded in our DNA. Yet we sometimes miss opportunities to communicate persuasively because we get lost in the weeds of facts, evidence and legal issues. Storytelling can be used at every stage of your rep... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Virtual Civil Jury Trial and Advanced Zoom Techniques: A Guideline for Remote Proceedings

    Join this panel as they present a three part lecture outlining the guidelines during remote proceedings. The first part will address advanced Zoom techniques from initiation through bench trial. The second part will discuss the tools need to successfully complete a virtual civil jury trial. Lastly, the panel consisting of Lawyers and a Judge will come together in a group discussion to discuss their recent participation in a virtual civil jury trial. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Social Media on Trial: A Modern Tool for a Modern Lawyer

    Social media gets a lot of controversy in the legal industry. Some only view it as a way to market their practice, while others have tapped in to more of its potential. This CLE program will guide you how to use social media and the pitfalls that come with using it, research your clients and cases, and efficiently get the latest legal news for your industry. We will talk specific strategies and you will be given resources to utilize in every aspect of practice. More Info

    1.25General Credits

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