Alaska CLE - Medical Law Courses

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  • The Intake Process & Ethical Considerations in Nursing Home Cases

    The strategy in trying a legal case begins from the very first step - the intake interview. How that interview is conducted is critical in choosing and building a successful case. Nursing home cases are no different. Whether interviewing the injured party or a family member, this CLE course will outline what questions to ask, how to establish the chronology of events leading up to the incident in question, how to properly obtain medical records and the role of the Illinois Department of Health w... More Info

    1Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • Navigating The Hospital Licensing Act’s Important and Broad Exception to the Petrillo Doctrine

    Section 6.17(e) of the Hospital Licensing Act created a broad and important exception to the Petrillo doctrine. Since 2000, defense counsel representing a Hospital could speak ex parte with any agent, employee or medical staff member of the hospital. However, more than 15 years after that legislation was enacted, attorneys and judges far too often are unaware or disbelieving of this rule regarding these communications. This CLE presentation will examine the rules in place before... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Healthcare Arbitration Agreements: Developments in the Law, and Hurdles to Enforcement

    Binding arbitration agreements between nursing homes and their residents have faced consistent hostility from courts and legislatures. Although the law in this area is rapidly evolving, for the moment, these agreements are fully enforceable under the Federal Arbitration Act. This CLE presentation will provide an overview of arbitration agreements in the nursing home context, as well as practical suggestions for drafting and enforcing these agreements in court. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Challenges to Property Tax Exemptions for Nonprofit Entities

    Non-profit organizations provide tremendous services both to local communities and the federal government. They employ hundreds of thousands of workers, purchase goods and services and utilities, pumping untold millions into the local economy, and paying taxes while providing communities with health care, employment training, disaster relief, food for the homeless, counseling and much more. But what does it take to obtain non-profit status and how does that status impact tax exemptions?... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Drafting Basic Wills, Trusts and Advance Directives

    Learn from a panel of experts what you need to know to draft basic wills, basic trusts as well as advance directives. Topics to be covered include: Will Drafting 101 Due Execution from a Litigator’s Perspective Advance Directives: Living Wills, Health Care Proxy and General Powers of Attorney, Nomination of a Guardian Drafting Basic Trusts More Info

    3.25General Credits
  • Medicaid Planning and Trusts: Planning for Your Client’s Incapacity

    This informative CLE program presented by Ronald A. Fatoullah and Elizabeth Forspan will discuss the latest developments in Elder Law and Medicaid planning including eligibility rules and common techniques used to protect assets against the prohibitive cost of long term care. The course will also discuss the tax consequences of Medicaid Trusts including income taxes, estate taxes and real estate tax exemptions as well as transfers of real property, liquid assets and basis issues. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • The Realities of Regulation: Regulating Adult Use After Legalization

    This CLE program is presented by Shaleen Title, Commissioner of Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission. She shares insight into the creation of the commission and their work in creating appropriate regulations within a complex political and economic structure. Commissioner Title shares insight with attendees regarding how regulations are actually shaped, what surprises she has faced, and lessons she has learned along the way. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • NYS Compassionate Care Act, NJ Compassionate Use Act and Proposed Amendments

    This CLE program features a panel of speakers discussing the NYS Compassionate Care Act, NJ’s Compassionate Use Act and its potential expansion. Expansion of the current medical program regulations will include additional qualifying conditions, expanded product lines, and the possibility of additional registered organizations (“dispensaries”). Topics include the process of patient registration, the challenges of being in business, and some of the legal & regulatory matters regarding bu... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Introduction to Cannabis Law and Medical Programs

    This CLE course begins with medical education from one of New York’s leading voices in medical cannabis, Dr. Bernie Lee, as he explains cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Dr. Lee explains the important differences between THC and CBD: what they are, the effect of each on the human body, and why it matters when it comes to how marijuana is regulated through medical programs. Patricia Heer, Esq., follows Dr. Lee with a basic introduction into the legislation that has been enacted... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Criminal Mitigation: Humanizing the Client Toward a Better Outcome

    This CLE course provides an overview of criminal mitigation to criminal defense lawyers, and reviews various humanizing processes that a criminal law attorney can utilize to better advocate for his or her client. Dr. Silver discusses how the use of psychological analysis, which can also impact the factual analysis of the case, can paint a more positive picture of a client and increase their chances of success. Both experienced and novice lawyers will gain important insight into various criteri... More Info

    1.25General Credits

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