Alaska CLE - Personal Injury Courses

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  • The Experts’ Guide to Appellate Practice: The Basics and Beyond

    Learn from a panel of appellate practitioners, clerks of the court and appellate judges what you need to know to handle an appeal – from appellate fundamentals to advanced appellate practice. Our expert panel will discuss: The Fundamentals of Appellate Practice Advanced Appellate Practice: Anticipating the Pitfalls Motion Practice Practice in the First and Second Departments A Judicial View From the Court of Appeals Practice Before the NY Court of Appeals Views From the Bench:... More Info

    6.75General Credits
  • Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Plaintiff and Defense Courtroom Strategies

    Though it seems almost impossible in an age of all-inclusive warning labels, failure to warn claims abound. But what is a failure to warn claim and how is it litigated? This CLE course will use relevant case law to present the flow of failure to warn litigation and how to strategically litigate cases. The course will include an in-depth discussion of warning claims, warnings experts, their credentials and when and how to utilize them, data gathering and trial preparation. The course wi... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: The Design and Evaluation of Product Warnings

    While it may appear that warning labels simply list every potential hazard a product may incur, product warning labels are actually carefully designed constructs, or at least they should be. This CLE course will explain the three phases of design and evaluation that an effective, risk-reducing product warning label must undergo. From hazard analysis, government regulation review, like-product comparison and need determination to label design and evaluation, the course will present the informatio... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Litigating the Failure to Warn Claim: Theory, History, Codes and Standards and Research Findings

    Warning labels have begun to resemble manuals, mentioning every possible hazard and misuse for a product from the likely to the absurd. This CLE course will present an in-depth review of warnings as they’ve evolved from aural and visual signs (Stop, Look and Listen) to government mandated warnings for consumer products such as cigarettes to today’s tendency to provide warnings for every conceivable hazard imaginable. The course will explain these warnings within the context of personal... More Info

    2General Credits
  • The Appellate Process at the New York State Appellate Division

    The New York State Appellate Division, First, Second, Third and Fourth Departments have many rules and regulations, some official, some less so, with which attorneys must comply when perfecting their appeals. This CLE course will explain the process and elaborate on the intricacies of that which is required when filing in any of these four Courts. Presenters begin by focusing on the preparation and timely filing of the Notice of Appeal and accompanying documents. They continue by enume... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Litigating a Failure to Warn Claim in a Products Liability and Personal Injury Case

    The vast majority of product liability and/or personal injury lawsuits in the United States include a failure to warn claim. This CLE course, led by author and internationally acclaimed expert Dr. Gerald Goldhaber, will present a brief history of warnings as they’ve evolved from the turn of the 20th century until today, including codes, standards, regulations and best practices in developing and evaluating warnings and safety communications. Dr. Goldhaber will present a general strategy and o... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Cross-Examination of the Negative Defense Medical Examination

    In the trial of a personal injury action, the defendant's insurance carrier will invariably hire litigation doctors on its behalf to examine the plaintiff in order to testify at trial for the purpose of assisting in the defense of the case with respect to the damages suffered by the plaintiff. These "hired guns" will opine that: the plaintiff did not sustain any injury as a result of the subject incident and/or has made a complete recovery. These highly paid professional witnesses are usuall... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Anatomy of a Car Accident Case

    This CLE program gives an attorney a complete overview of handling a car accident case, with particular emphasis on New York State. From meeting with the client and extracting vital information to the handling of the Personal Injury Protection claim to putting the case into a lawsuit, this lecture touches on just about every well-known issue that needs to be addressed. The lecture includes cost benefit analysis that must be taken into account upon accepting a case and whether a case is... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Preserving Issues In The Trial Court

    While no attorney prepares to lose at trial, they are required to prepare for that possibility. Attorneys not well-versed in the rules and regulations of the appeals process may not realize the importance of preserving issues from the very beginning. From the original plea to the conclusion of trial, preserving issues is one of the most critical features in determining the course of a future appeal and failure to preserve might doom an appeal at the outset. This informative CLE course... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Breathing Life Into the Dreaded Justification Defense

    The justification defense is not the go-to strategy of most criminal defense attorneys. In that it pre-supposes the client’s admission of a criminal act, most attorneys would advise their client that taking a plea is the safer route. But attorneys who ignore the great potential of the justification defense may not be acting in the best interests of their client. This CLE course presented by Jeffrey Schwartz, will explain why with a thorough explanation of the justification defense, how... More Info

    1General Credit

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