Arizona MCLE - Business Law Courses

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  • Navigating the Purchase and Sale of a Financial Advisory Practice

    Many attorneys service clients who are brokers and/or financial advisers in connection with various aspects of their business. In doing so, such attorneys are generally tasked with being well-versed the regulatory, contractual and litigation concerns these particular clients face. Due to the constant evolution of the financial advisory space, practices change hands by way of sale and merger on a fairly regular basis. These transactions are incredibly nuanced, subject to regulatory consideratio... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Avoiding Legal Malpractice and Breach of Fiduciary Duty

    This CLE program presented by attorney Norman Arnoff, will discuss Legal Malpractice, Fiduciary Duty in the legal profession and how the legal profession's concepts and standards of fiduciary duty can be adapted to the capital markets and the financial services industry. He outlines the elements of legal malpractice (1) attorney client relationship; (2) breach of the duty of care; (3) causation ("but for" or proximate cause) and (4) cognizable economic damages (and not pain and suffering or d... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Private Foundations vs. Donor Advised Funds: The Pros and Cons

    This CLE program presented by Andrew Katzenberg, will compare private foundations to donor advised funds. The discussion will include an explanation of what each entity is, how they can be used and the pros and cons of each. Andrew will also discuss changes enacted by the current tax code (as well as other laws) as well as possible changes on the horizon. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising Law in the United States and Around the Globe

    This CLE program, which will include lawyers from many countries discussing using influencers, conducting global sweepstakes and contests, and timely updates about key issues facing advertisers conducting social media campaigns in the United States and around the world. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Ethical Tips for Solo and Small Firm Practitioners

    It is important for all lawyers to stay abreast of ethical rules and considerations, but it can be especially tricky for small firm and solo practitioners who are in the trenches with client contact while also juggling firm management, business development, and increasing caseloads. This CLE course will teach practical steps for small firm and solo practitioners to navigate ethical dilemmas and legal malpractice claims through an engaging presentation and hypotheticals based on real life situa... More Info

    2.75Ethics Credits
  • Insurance as a Tax, Financing and Capital Solution

    Clients depend on their lawyers for creative solutions to risks they face in their day-to-day business, and to resolve roadblocks that prevent important transactions from closing. In this CLE course, Kenneth R. Pierce discusses the use of specialty insurance products to indemnify clients for potential tax liability, to facilitate the financing of alternative assets, and as a form of balance sheet capital for certain regulated companies. “Reps and warranties” insurance is now a standar... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Ethics of Social Media: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Social Media has changed the way the people interact and share information in ways that seemed unthinkable a few years ago. This CLE course will explain the types of social media that exist and how they can be ethically used in your practice or as marketing for your practice. Finally, the course will discuss avoiding ethical pitfalls when using social media. Learning Objectives: I. Understand the types of social media in existence and how to use them in an ethical manner. II. Explor... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Persuasive Legal Writing: Be Heard on Paper

    Legal writing is at the core of any legal action and effective, persuasive writing is a critical skill. This CLE course will help to improve your legal writing skills by reviewing the principles of persuasive legal writing, and how to build and structure a strong legal argument, incorporating the standard of review with a strong focus on the statement of facts. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trends in Securities Litigation

    This CLE program will cover important trends in the filing of securities class actions, including the surge in the number of class actions filed. Sasha Aganin of Cornerstone Research, a leader in developing securities class action statistics, will provide data on the overall number of filings, the types of cases (including separate analysis of merger and non-merger cases), the industries most frequently targeted, the choice of Federal versus State Court, the districts and circuits pre... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Building Blocks of Mediation

    Courses in Mediation Training tend to run between 32 and 40 hours. It would be an impossible task to try to summarize these courses in just a few hours. This CLE lecture will give the listener an overview in mediation theory through some of the terms (i.e. building blocks) that are often employed in the mediation process. In addition, a description of the work of an Ecclesiastical Court known as the Beth Din will be outlined. Such a Court employs both mediation and arbitration techniques to re... More Info

    2General Credits

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