A Legal Guide to Introducing International Products and Services to the U.S. Market

SKU: BUS1800

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About This Course

Introducing a product or service to the U.S. market requires a thought-out strategy that includes:

  • selecting the best distribution model for a particular product or service
  • maximizing the available intellectual property protection for your products and brand in the most cost-efficient manner
  • planning and structuring your operations in the most tax-efficient manner
  • navigating the maze of import, tariff and customs laws
  • complying with any applicable rules or policies of the Federal Trade Commission relating to your product or marketing efforts.
  • This CLE course will walk you through the process from selecting the best distribution model for your product to maximizing the available intellectual property protection cost effectively. The course will explain how to take taxes into account when structuring operations, ensure compliance with Federal Trade Commission regulations related to marketing and navigate import, taxes and customs laws.

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