Alimony and Spousal Maintenance: What Attorneys Need to Know

SKU: FAM7100

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About This Course

This comprehensive CLE presentation will review essential insights into spousal support analysis across jurisdictions. The first part focuses on the legal framework, covering the fundamental distinctions between alimony, support, and maintenance, while providing a detailed examination of the contrasting approaches in New York and New Jersey. Participants will gain a thorough understanding of how maintenance differs from child support, the interplay with equitable distribution, and the specific calculation methods and duration guidelines that vary by jurisdiction.

Additionally, the program will address the complex financial aspects of spousal support, particularly in high-net-worth cases. This section delves into sophisticated income assessment techniques, post-2019 tax strategy considerations, and practical implementation tools through a detailed case study analysis. Attendees will learn essential documentation and best practices for attorney-CDFA collaboration, ensuring optimal client outcomes in complex divorce cases. The presentation culminates with actionable takeaways that bridge the legal and financial aspects of spousal support analysis, making it an invaluable resource for family law practitioners handling cases in multiple jurisdictions.

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