Asset Protection in the Public Benefits Context

SKU: EST1800

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About This Course

Nationally recognized asset protection and elder law expert, Robert F. Brogan, C.E.L.A., presents over two hours of information you can use to guide your clients in preserving their legacy, while obtaining the public benefits necessary to address their long-term care needs. This CLE program, designed for the intermediate and more advanced practitioner, explores a variety of techniques which the presenter has used successfully in one of the most difficult states in the country for Medicaid Planning. If your state engages in a pattern of improper denials to deter practitioners and their clients from exercising rights under federal law, then this is a must-see lecture for you.

Hear common pitfalls to avoid in drafting and planning to insure that you will be in the best position for fair hearings and appeals. Get up to date information on the use of single premium immediate annuities for community spouses or individuals using qualified or non-qualified funds. Explore the interplay between asset protection and special needs trusts for those who have a determination of disability from Social Security. Be alerted to the pitfalls of credit shelter trusts, HEMS standards, and simple “I Love You” Wills, when there are indicators that a surviving spouse anticipates needing care outside the home in the future. Come to a better understanding of the tax implications of drafting for grantor trust status with irrevocable trusts. Learn how to protect low-basis assets while not losing step-up on death. Educate yourself on approaches to protect assets in trust from estate recovery.

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