Broker Lien Rights: What Attorneys Need to Know


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About This Course

This CLE course offers an overview of commercial real estate broker lien rights in 34 states, taught by a 46 year attorney who authored or lobbied on behalf of roughly half of those statutes. Topics addressed include the scope of commission claims which are protected, legislative history, the prerequisites for the lien claim, timing, and key tips on enforcement.

Hear from the author of these statutes and his 31 years of lien practice in multiple states, from drafting the lien, asserting and serving the lien claim, through foreclosing the lien, to defending the judgment at the appellate level. Case studies, war stories, and insights make this course of “must’ for attorneys who represent commercial real estate brokers. It is also a “how to” guide for those who would draft, support, and lobby for such legislation in the remaining 17 jurisdictions in the US where brokers do not have lien rights.”

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