Business Purchase Agreements: Drill Down Deep Into The Three Main Purchase Agreement Types

SKU: BUS7700

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About This Course

This CLE program will explore the three types of main purchase agreements that a business attorney needs to prepare or review in connection with the purchase or sale of all business assets, some business assets, or an ownership interest in a business. The three types are: (1) Asset Purchase Agreements; (2) Membership Interest Purchase Agreements and (3) Stock Purchase Agreements. In this program we will examine in great depth the following agreements from three transactions handled by the presenter Richard Waxman:

  • An Asset Purchase Agreement where the US subsidiary of an Indian textile company purchased the assets of the importing division of the US Target, while the target continued to own and operate the assets of its manufacturing division, which, following the closing, manufactured goods and provided interim services for and to the purchaser.
  • A Membership Interest Purchase Agreement where a California LLC purchased a 75% stake in the Membership Interest of a New York LLC which operated art galleries located in multiple states, and where one 25% owner of the target entity became a 25% owner of the purchasing entity.
  • A Stock Purchase Agreement where a 50% owner of a NYC optical products retailer executed a leveraged buy-out of the other 50% owner.
This CLE program will be presented by business law specialist Richard Waxman. Mr. Waxman is uniquely qualified to present this course since (1) he has represented sellers and buyers in numerous transactions involving companies sold for millions of dollars and others sold for far smaller purchase prices; (2) he has written and spoken extensively to lawyers and others on topics relating to the purchase and sale of businesses and interests in businesses. Samples of his presentations on this topic may be found on his website at: h or at the NACLE course he presented at NACLE in early 2016 and

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