Credit Where Credit Is Due: Understanding the Rights and Responsibilities of Creditors in Bankruptcy

SKU: BNK4500

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About This Course

Creditors often have a tendency to think that if a bankruptcy is filed they’re out of luck. While this may be true in some cases, there are many scenarios in which a creditor will be able to either gain some recovery on their debt, or at least preserve their right to pursue the debt either through a modification of an automatic stay or an adversary proceeding.

The other side of this equation though is creditors who are overly aggressive. Many creditors - in particular when personal relationships are involved - will let their emotions cloud their judgement and aggressively pursue a Debtor who has no assets and simply made poor business decisions. This course will aim to provide creditor’s rights practitioners with a basic understanding of the rights and obligations of a bankruptcy creditor. This guide can be used in knowing when and how to strike the appropriate balance between giving up on recovery versus being overly aggressive against a Debtor with little to no assets.

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