Criminal Mitigation: Humanizing the Client Toward a Better Outcome


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About This Course

This CLE course provides an overview of criminal mitigation to criminal defense lawyers, and reviews various humanizing processes that a criminal law attorney can utilize to better advocate for his or her client. Dr. Silver discusses how the use of psychological analysis, which can also impact the factual analysis of the case, can paint a more positive picture of a client and increase their chances of success. Both experienced and novice lawyers will gain important insight into various criteria to consider and deploy at the pre-sentence or pre-plea stage of representation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the definition and applicability of mitigation to a defendant's case
  • Identify the multi-purpose uses of mitigation in the course of defense
  • Understand how criminal mitigation can best assist one's client
  • Describe which clients most benefit from criminal mitigation and why

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