DNA Dystopia: Privacy Rights in the Age of Genetic Surveillance


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About This Course

This course was prepared in conjunction with the National Association for Public Defense. By viewing this CLE by I am affirming that today I am neither a prosecutor nor viewing this course with the purpose of aiding the prosecution of any criminally accused. I further affirm that I am dedicated to the ideals of the criminal defense practitioner, and am committed to the causes of effective and zealous defense of those charged with crimes, the protection and assertion of constitutional rights afforded the criminally accused, and the recognition and preservation of human dignity of those charged with crimes. I further affirm that the information provided by this course will not be used by me in any manner which would impugn the above set of ideals.

This CLE program will focus on helping your client navigate the landscape of DNA dystopia. As genetic surveillance and obtainable information expands, so do threats to privacy. Learn about DNA collection of minors; expansion of rogue databases; spread of Rapid DNA; the mining of genealogical databases by law enforcement; the linking of forensic databases with genealogical ones and how these might pose a threat to your client and their case. Attend this session and learn tools and strategies to fight these threats to your clients' privacy rights in the age of genetic surveillance.

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