Decide to Thrive: The Case for Lawyer Well-Being

SKU: SA1200

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About This Course

Do you believe it's not possible to be a healthy lawyer? Do you think that you have to work harder to make more money? Do you think that there's only one way to practice law?

Join Julie Bonasso, Esquire, a former practicing AmLaw 100 firm attorney and master certified coach as she takes on the objections and myths of being a lawyer in these challenging times. Julie shares her story and those of other attorneys who have decided to create the life they desire, fueled by well-being. She describes the power that vulnerability and intentionality can have on your career, how you can live a more balanced, healthy life, AND still make a great living as a lawyer.

In this seminar, she educates about the systemic problem that is facing the health and sustainability of our profession. She provides 4 Strategies for building lasting change in a hard-charging environment and gives easy to implement examples of how to do this.

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