Depositions To Win: Win Before You Begin

SKU: PER2900

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About This Course

In litigation, particularly in personal injury and wrongful death cases, all parties are routinely deposed. The deposition of an adverse party should be viewed as a deposition of a free expert witness, one that the plaintiff can use to prove her case, or at a minimum, defuse possible defenses.

This CLE course is designed to teach the plaintiff's attorney how to use an adverse witness to help prove the plaintiff's case, and undermine the defenses and attack the credibility of the defendant. This class will go through the structure, elements and style of an effective deposition, and the necessary preparation to properly execute a winning deposition. We will review different types of typical personal injury cases, different types of witnesses, dealing with obstructive defense counsel, and show how to win a significant verdict or settlement by using the techniques taught in this class. Actual questions and answers from real cases will be used to illustrate the power of a "positive" deposition.

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