Estate Planning Retainer Agreements and Engagement Letters

SKU: ETH9800

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About This Course

Retainer agreements (engagement letters) are critical to establish and document the understanding the practitioner has with the client. They are an important step that practitioners can take to identify expected actions and protect practitioners from a myriad of potential issues, or worse, ethical problems or suits. What should practitioners consider including in a retainer agreement? How has technology changed the issues that might be addressed? Are text messages an issue? Why is it important to communicate billing practices? What options are available in doing so? What special precautions might be considered and addressed when representing married couples? Should practitioners consider warning clients about their obligations to the estate planning process? What caveats might practitioners consider inserting into the agreement? When should agreements be revisited? What are the logistics of retention and conflict waiver agreements? Are there benefits to addressing the practitioner’s obligations?

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