Gun Free School Zones Act vs Federal Preemption


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The Gun Free School Zones Act course will discuss Robert Dorf, Esq.'s theory of Federal Preemption by which it is argued that GFSZA preempts and supersedes State Law and especially the Search and Seizure / Stop and Frisk law of the State of New York as compared to Federal Fourth Amendment law as set forth by the Supreme Court of the United States. The course discusses current / proposed weapons detection and warnings technologies available or being developed to protect public, private and parochial schools from shootings for a radius of one thousand feet.

This CLE course will also present a history of GFSZA case law including the surprising SCOTUS ruling initially finding GFSZA unconstitutional as well as the lecturer's efforts to discover effective technologies to protect our children, not to mention his personal connection to the shooting event at Chabad of Poway, California.

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