Handling The DWI Case In New York: To Refuse Or Not To Refuse


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About This Course

To refuse or not to refuse, that is the question. That is and has been an essential issue for those of us who handle DWI cases. As a result of new regulations and shifting legislation, the answer has become more elusive and the consequences of error far more dramatic. The general rule is that there are no general rules and the decision to refuse, or not to refuse is very much case specific. This CLE program will discuss the factors and situations that you must consider in answering this question. More importantly, the lecture will lead you through the complexity of dealing with test refusals from arraignment through the hearing at the Department of Motor Vehicles. Chemical test refusals are one of the most complicated areas of DWI defense and it is the objective of this program to clearly explain those complexities and provide guidance in how to handle this increasingly difficult area of the law.

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