Inclusionary & Affordable Housing: What Do They Mean & Why They are Important in Today’s Economic & Political Climate


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About This Course

Inclusionary housing is a type of municipal policy that requires a certain number or percentage of units in new market-rate developments to be affordable for lower-income residents (i.e., the units must cost below market-rate) in order to increase the supply of affordable housing and to increase economic diversity in desirable neighborhoods.

The definition of affordable housing varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but the broad consensus is that affordable housing is housing that costs an occupant no more than 30% of his or her income for gross housing expenses. Likewise, public policy tools addressing affordable housing issues vary widely but generally involve rental assistance, homeownership assistance, and/or land use and regulatory incentives.

For local governments, it appears the most common c approaches are inclusionary housing programs and donations/ funding for the creation and preservation of affordable housing units controlled by the local housing authorities or non-profit and private housing partners.

In this CLE course you will learn about the complexities and considerations associated with inclusionary and affordable housing. Since “one size does not fit all” the course will discuss on the need for diverse housing in many communities and how creative approaches may be useful for both the community, the residents and the developer.

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