Legal Ethics in the Era of Technology, Social Media, and the Pandemic


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About This Course

Many lawyers are unfamiliar with the nuances of computer technology and data security essential to comply with 21st century ethics rules in our digital world. There are many hidden dangers in frequently used tools and platforms, including e-mail, social-media and “the Cloud.”

The ethical dangers and minefields are compounded and heightened by increased use of digital tools and internet connections in the practice of law, including the use of Zoom and other digital meeting platforms, working from home over the internet and using Alexa and other digital devices.

Since lawyers and law firms are prime targets of hackers, all lawyers must be vigilant as to client data and firm/department technology resources. This information is critical for lawyers to become more sophisticated in risk management in various technology contexts.

This webinar presentation will assist lawyers and law firm legal departments to identify and avoid or minimize the risks in our increasingly digital world, many of which they may not be aware. This presentation will also provide suggested solutions and best practices.

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