Now I Know My SDKs: Legal Considerations for Use of Tracking Tech for Analytics & Advertising

SKU: IP6700

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About This Course

This CLE program will explore privacy and advertising considerations around the use of Software Development Kits (SDKs) and related tracking technologies in your apps.

We will explore all things SDK including:

  • What are SDKs and how do companies use them for analytics, advertising, and other functionalities?
  • Why are third party SDKs resulting in lawsuits and PR concerns? For example, Zoom’s use of the Facebook SDK led to legal claims.
  • What type of notice and choice do SDKs require?
  • How should you address sensitive categories of information, such as children’s data and health data?
  • How will the CCPA and Do Not Sell obligations impact the use of SDKs?
  • What should you consider when negotiating contracts regarding SDKs? How do the Standard IAB Terms apply?

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