Representing Clients in State and Local Criminal Tax Investigations: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know

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About This Course

NYS and NYC have numerous criminal penalties for deliberate tax payer fraud and misconduct that can be particularly onerous. Indeed, criminal tax enforcement in NYS has increased significantly since 2007 when the Department of Taxation and Finance decided to more aggressively use its powers to target tax fraud.

Hear from a panel of experts what you need to know about NYS and NYC criminal tax enforcement and how you can advise and defend your clients when facing criminal tax investigations.

The panelists will also engage in an interactive simulated conference between defense counsel and an assistant District Attorney --based on a hypothetical that will be distributed at the program.

Topics include:

  • Overview of NYSDTF and NYCDF
  • Overview of NYS and NYC Criminal Tax Offense
  • Overview of defense Strategy
  • Simulated Conference -- with hypothetical
  • Follow-up conference -- including ethical issues
  • Voluntary disclosure
  • Cigarette Tax investigations
  • NYSDTF and NYCDF Initiatives

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