The Humanity Of The Mediation Process

SKU: ADR3600

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About This Course

Mediation is a process by which a third-party neutral, the mediator, tries to guide the parties in the dispute to a resolution known as Win-Win. Those who practice mediation can attest to the dignity and deep humanity of this process. I have tried to capture some of this grandeur in describing some of the traits that are willy-nilly imposed on both mediators and those who engage in the process.

In preparing this lecture, I have divided mediation process into four distinct categories. There is nothing sacred about this indexing, but I believe that this categorization gives a fair overview of what should happen in a successful mediation.

Mediation is more than a method of dispute resolution. It is a process that requires some of the highest ideals we, as humans, are capable of attaining.

This lecture will focus on the four categories and the allied progeny, as outlined below:

  • A. Affective behavior
  • B. Cognitive behavior
  • C. Mediation and the parties
  • D. Mediation and the process

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