What to Say When You Receive a “Help Me!” Call: What Every Attorney Needs to Know About Defending Criminal Matters


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About This Course

Even if your practice never leads you to the courtroom, every attorney is bound to receive a middle-of the-night “help me!” call from a relative, friend, or acquaintance saying “I’ve been arrested! What should I do?” This CLE Course will arm you with the answers to that question. Join William McDonald, chair of the Criminal Defense department at Campolo, Middleton & McCormick in Long Island, New York, for a primer on how to advise clients about arrests, breathalyzers, and search warrants in the DWI context, federal and New York State procedural issues in criminal matters, and issues concerning investigations such as video surveillance warrants and wiretaps.

A seasoned criminal lawyer, McDonald is a former Assistant District Attorney in Nassau and Suffolk Counties as well as a former Special Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.

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