California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Police Misconduct: Recent Developments under Section 1983

    Whether you sue, defend, or advise law enforcement, this CLE program will keep you current on the use of force, and trends, controversies, and resources under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. This program will cover District of Columbia v. Wesby and Kisela v. Hughes, the Supreme Court’s newest decisions on qualified immunity, and five other cases to be decided this year. You will learn the latest limitations on Taser and less lethal force; use of deadly force against Emotionally Disturbed Persons (EDPs); the... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Trial Strategy: How to Ask Questions

    Lawyers are too focused on what the answer is without focusing on the question. This CLE lecture focuses on the question. The question about what is your case about and the particular questions we should be asking of witnesses. The lecture also addresses direct examination, cross examination, and declaring a witness hostile. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Business Immigration Law: New Rules and New Challenges in Recruiting Global Talent

    In the last year, companies facing an already competitive hiring market have faced new rules and new challenges in recruiting and retaining global talent. What have been some of the most important lessons from the last year and how should companies prepare for the year ahead? This CLE program will touch on Executive Orders and USCIS policy shifts that impact work visas including H-1B visas, business travel, and overall enforcement. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Essentials for Lease Drafting, Dealing with Problem Tenants & Doing So Ethically

    This CLE course identifies and aims to give practical advice on the “hot button” issues that arise in landlord-tenant contexts. For landlords seeking to manage risks, on issues like tenant screening and security deposits, while avoiding common pitfalls such as discrimination claims and unenforceable penalties, this course identifies and gives practical examples of key lease provisions that will help a landlord effectively enforce its rights and remedies. The ethics of representing landlords... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Ethical Considerations: Retainers and Disclaimers in Cannabis Law

    This CLE course covers the emerging principles in the ethical representation of clients in cannabis related matters. Ms. Burke starts with a broad overview of laws and ethical rules that govern attorneys at both the federal and state level. She then narrows her focus onto specific aspects of the ABA, as well as New York’s recent guidance on attorney ethics as it relates to cannabis. Ms. Burke shares scenarios highlighting the difference between giving business advice and giving legal advise an... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Follow the Money: Legal Pitfalls of Investing in Cannabis

    This CLE course will provide a broad overview regarding the wealth of opportunities that exist when thinking about investing in the cannabis industry, including breakdowns and industry overviews with current trends in mergers and acquisitions. This is followed by a discussion of regulatory and other key issues for U.S. investor clients including banking, 280E, and lack of research. The course continues with information about investing in cannabis abroad with a special focus on Canada and the p... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Owners’ Agreements for Start-Ups and Relatively New Companies

    Every corporation or limited liability company with more than one owner should have a written agreement that, at the very least, sets forth the agreed terms respecting governance of the company. The most obvious of these are the pre-agreed terms as to how managerial decisions will be made and by whom. Many of these agreements also include buy-sell terms, i.e. terms that apply when an owner suffers a “Buy-Sell Event” such as death, disability, retirement, loss of license, etc. This CLE p... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Insurance Implications for Cannabis Lawyers

    This CLE course will review how insurance works (or doesn’t work) in cannabis related business and what options attorneys have for advising their clients appropriately. Ms. Greenberg touches upon the types of insurance needed within cannabis industry niches. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Cannabis Law and Medical Programs

    This CLE course begins with medical education from one of New York’s leading voices in medical cannabis, Dr. Bernie Lee, as he explains cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Dr. Lee explains the important differences between THC and CBD: what they are, the effect of each on the human body, and why it matters when it comes to how marijuana is regulated through medical programs. Patricia Heer, Esq., follows Dr. Lee with a basic introduction into the legislation that has been enacted... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigation Strategies for Ending Prohibition

    This CLE course begins with a historical overview of cannabis law in the United States, starting as far back as 1900 and bringing us to the present day – while highlighting key points along the way that shaped policy, perception, and laws regarding marijuana. Mr. Holland discusses and explains the different claims that have been made in attempt to reclassify cannabis including very recent, and somewhat confusing, judicial decisions. With an eye on the future, Mr. Holland shares his opinion abo... More Info

    1General Credit

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