California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Disqualification by Reason of Vicarious Conflict of Interest
In an increasingly mobile society, one in which lawyers generally expect to spread their careers over several law firms, the rules governing professional conduct generally require allowing such commerce without strangling careers on the one hand, while accounting for clients’ ongoing expectations of confidentiality on the other. In this CLE program, noted real estate law author and practitioner Dov Treiman discusses when the disqualification of one attorney in a firm effects a disquali... More Info
$751.25Ethics Credits -
Real Estate Implications of the Health Hazards of Tobacco Smoke
Landlord Tenant author and practitioner Dov Treiman lays out the legal implications of smoking, particularly secondhand smoke as it relates both to regulated and unregulated multifamily housing throughout New York State, with an eye towards the issues peculiar to New York City. In this one hour installment, Mr. Treiman covers: Real Property Legal Consequences of the Four Levels of Cigarette Smoking New York City Administrative Code §17-501 New York State Laws of 1989, Chapter 244 Tr... More Info
$501General Credit -
Recollections of the Last Surviving Prosecutor: 70 Years Since Nuremberg
The trials at Nuremberg, where twenty two major Nazi criminals were prosecuted, was a pivotal historical event that had tremendous impact on international criminal law in the decades since. The trials, which sentenced twelve of the defendants to death, coincided with the larger global issue of how and when to prosecute crimes of aggression, who should prosecute these crimes and how to determine which crimes are actionable. This riveting CLE course, is led by none other than Benjamin Ferencz, w... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
What You Need to Know about Negotiating Retail and Restaurant Leases
The smaller tenant is “clout challenged” when it comes to dealing with landlord’s onerous, one-sided lease forms. Sending a 300 comment memo will not advance tenant’s cause—in fact, may well backfire; tenant (unfairly) being branded as a troublemaker. And that goes for legal counsel, too! The objective of this CLE program is to discuss strategic analysis of the lease form and isolate those very significant legal and business provisions which have the greatest impact on the retail and re... More Info
$1001.75General Credits -
Current Developments in Employment Law: FMLA, DBL, WC, ADA, NYPFL - How Does All This Work
As more and more businesses attempt to address the needs of their employees in balancing work and family, the paid family leave act has come under additional scrutiny. This CLE course will explain everything an employer needs to know including eligibility, employer responsibilities and compliance. The course will also address strategies for avoiding liability and how to coordinate paid family leave with New York State’s rules on disability, workers compensation and the New York’s Paid Family L... More Info
$1002General Credits -
School Discipline Basics for Attorneys
This CLE course will provide an overview of the laws applicable to the discipline of general education students and of students with disabilities (IEPs and 504s). The course is for school attorneys, parent attorneys, disability attorneys, educators, school board members, and attorneys in other practice areas who have an interest in school law and legally compliant student disciplinary procedures. In this guide to discipline of students you will learn about the laws that govern student discipli... More Info
$751.25General Credits -
Ethical and Effective Social Media for Lawyers
As social media has become entwined with our personal and professional lives, attorneys must be aware of their ethical obligations with respect to the many social media platforms that are being used. It is not uncommon for attorneys to share information on a regular basis by blogging, having a website, commenting on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. When using these platforms and communicating this information attorneys must be sure they are not committing any ethical violations. More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Fiduciary relationships are not limited to trustees and executors. Fiduciary relationships – and fiduciary duties –can be found in the corporate setting, in employment and in many varied business relationships. Sometimes the fiduciary relationship is not obvious. Yet where an individual is found to have a fiduciary’s obligations, the extent of those obligations and the limitations on what the fiduciary can and cannot do are significant. The fiduciary relationship realigns the legal rights and... More Info
$1001.75General Credits -
Beyond the Printed Page: An Overview of Licensing Comic Book Properties to the Film, Television Industries
Guardians of the Galaxy; Wonder Woman; Riverdale; The Tick; Deadpool — comic book properties dominate film, television, mobile apps, and videogames. They are the driving force behind the hottest toys and apparel for the holidays. Comic book properties are also ripe for being turned into unlicensed derivative works, such as fan-art and fan-merchandise, often giving rise to infringement suits. This CLE will introduce lawyers to key issues involved in the audiovisual and merchandise licensing of... More Info
$751.25General Credits -
From Panel to Publisher: Representing Comic Book Creator Clients
Comic books are not just for kids anymore — they are the foundation of many of the best-selling properties driving today’s motion picture and television industry revenues. The comic book industry and its ancillary markets continue to flourish, with new trends in digital publishing and derivative licensing. This CLE program features top attorneys in the comic book publishing industry and tracks recent trends in comic book business and legal practice. It is designed to help lawyers under... More Info
$1503General Credits