California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • You're Fired! How to Minimize Risk and Avoid Litigation

    Whether your reasons for firing an employee are based on work performance, restructuring, or for another reason, following the proper termination procedures are imperative to avoid legal ramifications. This CLE program will discuss: The purpose and benefits of progressive discipline. How to ensure consistency with company policies Pitfalls of incomplete or dishonest employee performance reviews More Info

    2General Credits
  • Trademark Basics for Corporate Counsel

    Look behind any new product launch, co-venture, or marketing campaign - and you're likely to find valuable trademarks. Indeed, the acquisition, protection and licensing of trademark rights is often mission-critical. While most companies have counsel that specialize in trademark law, to do their jobs well, non-IP practitioners need to understand the area too. Join Frankfurt Kurnit's Catherine M. C. Farrelly and Donna A. Tobin for a CLE presentation explaining trademark essentials in plain Engli... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Recent Developments with Practical Estate Planning Implications

    The estate planning world is focused on the uncertainty of repeal (or not) which has profound impact on what planning might be appropriate. But practitioners should not overlook the stream of new developments that might impact clients now. This CLE program will provide a practical practice oriented review of new developments including the following: Estate tax repeal – what it means to planning. Portability new Relief - Rev. Proc. 2017-34 provides significant lenience to make a lat... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    Have you been hearing about implicit bias and wondering what that means and if it affects you? Do you question whether the legal profession truly upholds justice and fairness for all? Maybe you’re just wondering what all the hullabaloo is about. In any case, this CLE is for you. Together we will explore the origins of bias, define implicit and explicit bias, look at ways that bias has impacted the legal profession, and define the causes of action arising from bias. More Info

    1Elimination Bias
  • Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession: Recognition, Understanding and Intervention

    Presented by seasoned attorney and acclaimed author on intervention Mick Meagher, Esq., this CLE course offers insight into identifying the signs of addiction within the accepted guidelines and how to define addiction and addictive behaviors. The course will review the disease process of addiction, the warning signs to look for and how addiction impacts the lives of substance abusers both personally and professionally. More Info

    1Competence Issues
  • Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (“SLATs”): A Key Planning Tool

    SLAT planning can provide tremendous planning benefits for many married clients. With proper tailoring for the current environment, a useful default estate and financial planning strategy is to employ non-reciprocal spousal lifetime access trusts (“SLATs”). This can provide a flexible framework for a wide range of clients and can achieve an array of planning goals. The technique can be adapted for modest estates needing life insurance trusts, to ultra-high net worth clients requiring... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 35 Tips for Attorney Professionalism

    The Model Rules, as adopted, are quite clear in their mandates for attorneys, describing the responsibilities that attorneys must accept and the prohibitions by which they must abide. They elucidate quite definitely the What of ethical requirements, but are understandably light on the practical How of complying well and effectively, especially in the day-to-day details of practicing law. This CLE Program is created and presented by a 40+ year veteran of practice in a wide variety of rol... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Ethically Speaking: Why Lawyers Can No Longer Ignore Technology

    With all the focus on leaks, hacks, data breaches, etc. it is becoming more and more clear that attorneys can no longer avoid their duty to stay conversant with technology in order to represent their clients adequately and assure confidentiality of client data and privileged communications. Indeed, legal departments for business organizations state that cybersecurity, regulation and ethics compliance are among their chief concerns, and they are well aware of the vulnerability of their own busi... More Info

    2.5Total Credits
    1.5 Ethics
  • Trusts: Planning and Drafting for Divorce

    Trusts are one of the most powerful tools for planning to minimize the risk to assets in a future divorce. However, in order to achieve optimal results for clients, trusts must be drafted and administered in a manner that provides protection. Traditional trust drafting often falls far short of providing the safeguards clients want. What provisions should be used in drafting trusts to achieve better results? What trust planning techniques can be used in different client situations to achieve gr... More Info

    1General Credit
  • High Rent Luxury Deregulation in New York City: A Brief History

    This CLE course will examine the history of Luxury Deregulation in NYC with a focus on the recent Altman case decision and where the current state of the laws stands on this important legislation for both landlords and tenants. More Info

    1.75General Credits

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