California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Preparation and Presentation of Plaintiffs for Depositions

    All too often plaintiff’s attorneys breeze through a plaintiff deposition as if they are merely going through the motions. However, Plaintiff depositions can be a useful tool to help leverage your settlement position and obtain affirmative, positive testimony to further your case and provide ammunition to help defeat dispositive motions. This CLE presentation will explain ways to maximize the opportunity to present your client for a deposition in a variety of case-specific examples for persona... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Proving your Case through Written Discovery

    Written discovery is an under-utilized opportunity to build and support your case in the early stages of litigation. Too frequently attorney’s may find themselves going through the motions of completing discovery using form interrogatories or responses and waiting until a later stage to dig deeper into the discovery process. This CLE course delves into the benefits of issuing targeted written discovery, and responding thoughtfully to prove issues of liability and damages. This process... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Using the Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions During Oral Discovery in Medical Malpractice Cases

    This CLE course will explain the discovery process for the litigation of nursing home negligence and medical malpractice cases in Illinois. The course will explain how to use the Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions to your advantage throughout the course of litigation, including, discovery. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Regulatory, Contract, and Licensing Issues in the Hospitality Industry

    The hospitality industry is a central facet of life in New York City, both for tourists and those who call the city home. New York City hospitality business operators require accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information, both to start a new business, and to keep their businesses compliant with ever changing regulatory and licensing laws. This topical CLE program, given by attorney Aaron H. Pierce, provides an overview of some of the most essential issues facing a restaurateur looking to open... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Copyright Reversion 101, 201 and 601: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Issues on Termination of Grants and Licenses

    US Copyright Law provides authors, artists, musicians and other creative people and their heirs the right to terminate certain prior grants of copyright. Obviously, the termination or “recapture” of copyrights can have huge commercial implications. But the statutory rules governing copyright termination are complex. Who can terminate a copyright grant? What grants can be terminated? How does a copyright owner give notice of an attempt to terminate? And what is the practical effect of terminati... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Unexpected Broker and Title Insurance Issues You Need to Know When Buying a Home

    Learn from a panel of experts about the unexpected issues that can arise when buying or selling a home – from how to discover and cure title issues to entering into broker agreements and dealing with unexpected disputes over commissions. Hear tips and techniques for dealing with these hurdles, and how to get the deal closed. More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • 8th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 8th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Welcome and Introduction Challenges Faced by Claimants Navigating the World of Holocaust Art Restitution Wallflo... More Info

    6.25Total Credits
    2 Ethics
  • Ethical Considerations of Litigation Funding

    Litigation funding, or legal funding is both a highly criticized and helpful area of assisting accident victims depending on whom you are asking. This secondary market of funding clients and attorneys raises ethical issues including but not limited to the attorney client relationship, privilege and champerty. This CLE program discusses those areas and more as it applies to personal injury attorneys and their clients. The lecture both explains legal funding, discusses the merits of assisting th... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Oil, Gas, and Mineral Leasehold Issues

    Landowners hold a distinct advantage over oil companies and over the years, their leases have begun to reflect that. Oil companies have no choice but to acquiesce to increasingly land-owner friendly leases and while many still resist, form leases are becoming a rarity. This CLE course, presented by oil and gas attorney Josh Stein, will explain the most common sources of ambiguity and error which may arise in drafting oil and gas leases, even top leases, and how attorneys can protect cl... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Preparing and Reviewing Oil and Gas Title Opinions

    The variety in style and particular client needs have resulted in a lack of standardization amongst title opinions. That, combined with the vast amounts of land in Texas with bad title, has made a well-written, professional title opinion a negotiable instrument in a dispute. This CLE course will explain how these opinions are routinely sold between owners and oil and companies and are then used as the basis for future title opinions, sometimes decades later. Presented by Oil and Gas at... More Info

    1.75General Credits

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