California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Dealing with Difficult Attorneys
Have you ever been frustrated when litigating a case or negotiating a transaction because opposing counsel seems intent on thwarting your every move? Then join NYCLA’s Task Force on Professionalism to learn tips and techniques for dealing with difficult counsel. Civility in and out of the courtroom has never been more important, given the challenges of practicing in the legal profession in the current economic environment. A distinguished panel with members from private practice, the judiciary... More Info
$751.5Ethics Credits -
Drafting Joint Venture Agreements
Learn the basics of the issues that need to be addressed when drafting Joint Venture Agreements, as well as the specifics of drafting agreements in the areas of construction, mergers and acquisitions and technology. Some of the areas to be addressed include: M&A and Joint Venture Agreements•Why enter into a Joint Venture? Who has control? How to keep partners in the relationship, and how to get them to leave How to structure profit sharing What happens when the agreement ends... More Info
$751.75General Credits -
UCC Insurance & Mezzanine Financing: Pitfalls of Perfection and Priority
Most commercial lenders require their loans to be secured by all the personal property of their borrower. Article 9 as adopted, wholly governs this process. Article 9 is complicated and comprehensive. This CLE course teaches the basics of how to properly secure a loan. In addition, this course teaches the basics of the UCCPlus Policy of Insurance for secured personal property loans. Finally the course explains the basic structure and dynamics of a mezzanine loan transaction. More Info
$501General Credit -
Construction Delays: Causes, Prevention and Damages
It is well accepted in the construction industry that "time is money." This CLE program will present a case study demonstrating the procedures an owner/developer should implement to avoid delay, mitigate the effects of delay and disruption, and recover damages resulting from the effects of delay. Scheduling techniques and contract clauses will also be discussed. More Info
$751.25General Credits -
What Every Commercial Landlord & Tenant Practitioner Should Know about Yellowstone Injunctions
As any commercial landlord knows, no matter how good a tenant you have occupying your space, sometimes problems arise with the tenant leading to the need to end the tenancy. Similarly, as a commercial tenant even the best landlord can misinterpret your actions and try to terminate your lease based upon those alleged actions. In these situations, the landlord will usually serve the tenant with a notice giving the tenant 5 to 10 days to cure the alleged default under the lease. If the tenant fails... More Info
$751.25General Credits -
Eleven Common Intellectual Property Mistakes Businesses Make and How to Avoid Them
Don't miss this lively discussion of eleven common intellectual property mistakes businesses, large and small, make and how to avoid making them in your business. This CLE program will offer solutions and best practices to avoid problems in multiple areas concerning both creation and protection of your business's intellectual property, and using intellectual property belonging to others in your business. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Drafting Legally Sound Job Descriptions
Job descriptions are introduced into court more often than any other document in support of a variety of different legal claims against employers. However, there are legal pitfalls that you need to be aware of when either drafting such job descriptions or advising clients on best practices for drafting such job descriptions. A well drafted job description can help you defend an employer in an ADA case but a poorly-drafted job description can mean losing such a case. This CLE course w... More Info
$501General Credit -
Labor Relations: What You Need to Know about a Represented Environment
One of the most difficult things for managers to do is to manage effectively in a represented environment. This is all the more true when your managers, who were used to managing in a non-represented environment, all of a sudden have to deal with labor relations issues for the first time. This CLE course will explore in-depth the labor relations process and will provide an in-depth review of your obligations vis-à-vis a collective bargaining agreement and your obligations pursuant to... More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Preventing Workplace Violence: What Attorneys Need to Know
In light of so many recent instances of violence including the recent mall shooting in Columbia, MD, Purdue University, the Navy Yard shooting, the school shooting tragedy in Sandy Hook, CT, employers need to be better protected when it comes to workplace violence. This CLE program will provide legal counsel with a definition of what constitutes workplace violence and examples of who can engage in workplace violence. You will learn to recognize the warning signs that can lead to workplace vi... More Info
$501General Credit -
Navigating Your Company Through a World of Big Copyright Damages: An Insider's Look
In a world where movies, television, music, books, online content and other media comprise the most valuable assets owned by many companies and individuals, the risks and rewards of copyright infringement have never been higher. Large copyright damage awards are making headlines, with songwriters, photographers, and other rights holders winning multimillion dollar judgments against alleged infringers. In many cases the winners also received their attorneys' fees. The prospect of dealin... More Info
$501General Credit