California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Breathing Life Into the Dreaded Justification Defense

    The justification defense is not the go-to strategy of most criminal defense attorneys. In that it pre-supposes the client’s admission of a criminal act, most attorneys would advise their client that taking a plea is the safer route. But attorneys who ignore the great potential of the justification defense may not be acting in the best interests of their client. This CLE course presented by Jeffrey Schwartz, will explain why with a thorough explanation of the justification defense, how... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Jersey Civil Trial Preparation & Municipal Court Practice

    Are you a newly admitted New Jersey attorney or an experienced New Jersey attorney seeking a refresher course in the basics of civil litigation and Municipal Court practice? Are you an out-of-state attorney who has a pending civil or Municipal Court matter in the New Jersey courts? This two part seminar will cover civil litigation in the New Jersey courts, as well as how to handle a case in the Municipal Courts of New Jersey. The first part of the seminar will cover topics such as the... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Introduction to Title Insurance: Essential Things Every Attorney Should Know

    Real property attorneys review title reports daily. However, title reports and policies have become so common, that many attorneys have not considered for quite some time the important tenets of title insurance. Mr. Bagwell’s seminar presentation will introduce new and junior attorneys to the basic conceptual framework of title insurance while also re-acquainting senior counsel to the intricacies of various title products. Several common misconceptions regarding various aspects of titl... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Applying Mediation Principles to Family Law Issues

    Mediation is a form of ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) that may be used in civil disputes, family law matters, eldercare, and many other fields. In this course you will be given an overview of mediation skills and techniques from a trained attorney/mediator. The lecture will apply mediation principles to practice areas in family law. Whether you are an attorney contemplating starting a mediation practice or are simply looking to gain practical insight into this growing field this lecture is... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Introduction to New Jersey Eminent Domain Law

    Whether you are a litigator or a transactional attorney, the basics of New Jersey’s eminent domain process are part of the background and vocabulary that every practitioner should be generally familiar with. This course outlines those basics. How does the condemnation process work? What are the basic valuation issues that a property owner may be confronted with in common taking scenarios? What are the common pitfalls? In this lecture, you will learn these key points as well as se... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • What’s Your Story? Defending a White Collar Client

    It is generally thought that white collar cases lack the mystery and intrigue inherent in other criminal cases. However, the strategic approach required to successfully defend a white collar case is perhaps more nuanced than those of other criminal cases. This CLE course will explain everything you need to know about defending a white collar case, including strategic approaches to pre-trial presentations, pre-trial discovery, and joint defense interaction. The course will center on... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Bankruptcy Basics: Chapter 11 and Reorganization

    In this economy, bankruptcies, both personal and corporate have become more commonplace. This CLE explores the various kinds of bankruptcies, with a focus on the many tools that chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code offers. The course will assist attorneys on when it is appropriate to advise clients to explore its bankruptcy options, and when it may be too late to do so. It will also provide lawyers representing creditors of bankrupt entities with a brief summary of their rights an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Considerations in No-Fault Litigation

    No fault litigation occupies an interesting place in the legal system. A method of avoiding the costs and hassle of legal battles, no-fault litigation comes with some potential pitfalls of its own, not the least of which is the ethical considerations of working slightly out-of-bounds of the standard system. This CLE course will explore those ethical considerations and how to navigate them in the process of no-fault litigation. The course will cover how to maintain clear communication i... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Common Ethical Issues and Pitfalls

    Certain recurring ethical issues are encountered with regularity in the everyday practice of law. The nature of attorney/client privilege and confidentiality, analysis of conflict issues and the obligations of an attorney to other counsel and the fact-finding tribunal, result in frequent consultation of the rules of ethics. The course will cover the most common ethical issues confronted by attorneys, and the presenter will discuss hypotheticals posed by the live audience. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Critical Events in a Medical Malpractice Case: From Initial Client Interview Through Trial

    This CLE program will focus on potentially problematic issues in the development of a medical malpractice claim from the initial interview through trial. The types of cases which can be successfully resolved, versus those to avoid, the initial evaluation of the case and selection of an expert, discovery matters and the trial of the case, including objections, direct and cross examination of witnesses, evidentiary issues, including hearsay, and openings and closings will be discussed. Topi... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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