California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Hot Issues and Litigation Strategy Involving Preference Claims

    As more companies fall victim to a declining economy, the issue of preference claims has become increasingly ubiquitous. This CLE course will explain how to protect against or prosecute claims of preferential payments made by a creditor before a debtor’s declaration of bankruptcy. The course will explain how to advise companies prior to and after the filing of a bankruptcy of the common and not so common pitfalls in the plaintiff’s case in chief, as well as the effect of § 503(b)(9) (Administr... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Trusts and Estates – The Title Perspective

    What factors run through a title underwriter’s mind when considering whether to insure a conveyance out of an estate or out of a trust? What is the “law” governing such conveyances? As Benjamin Franklin noted, “…in this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” In this seminar, we will consider the first of Franklin’s certainties, death, and how decedents and the strategies which they and their advisers use to avoid the impact of the second certainty, taxes. The ty... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Role of Written Representations in M&A Contracts

    Representations are key components of every M&A transaction. The Role of Written Representations in M&A Contracts is a course that focuses on clearly expressing and understanding the nuances associated with expressing written representations in M&A contracts. Topics covered include: making representations qualifications and exceptions to representations the use of disclosure schedules updating representations and disclosure schedules "bringing down" representations at closing an... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Military Justice: A Primer

    "Military Justice is to justice what Military Music is to music.” The military justice system is often an enigma to many attorneys and, as evidenced by Groucho Marx’ quotation, subject to certain misconceptions and suspicions. However, with our Nation’s continuing military conflicts many of your clients or their family members will have served in or have ties with the military and will have some encounter with the military justice system. Therefore, a basic understanding of military justice w... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Appealing and Litigating Health Care and Long-Term Disability Insurance Denials

    Regardless of how comprehensive your medical insurance may be, no plan covers everything and even some seemingly innocuous claims may be rejected, particularly those that involve long-term care. That is why it’s critical to understand the appeal and litigation process for health care and long-term disability claims. In this CLE course, David Trueman reviews the various types of insurance and the primary components of general policies before delving into the processes and procedures for appeali... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Piercing the Corporate Veil: When Can Owners Be Personally Liable?

    The hard rule of law is that a corporation is liable for its debts and contractual obligations and the shareholders are not liable. But sometimes a party dealing with a corporation might be able to reach the shareholders’ pockets to collect a corporate liability. It is critical that corporate lawyers and litigators on both sides of the litigation understand the principles of when the courts will “pierce the corporate veil” and how to pursue or to defend against such a claim. This rivetin... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising and Fashion; Web 3.0

    Join a panel of experts as they discuss advertising for the fashion industry in the digital age. Learn how the fashion industry is using social network services, tracking users online and behavioral advertising. Understand the FTC’s regulations for endorsements, celebrity endorsements and testimonials in endorsements, as well as the FTC’s enforcement efforts. The panel will also discuss liability in advertising and best practices for the fashion industry. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Legal and Practical Considerations for Recruiting, Vetting and Hiring Professional Employees

    Though it seems somewhat accepted practice to engage in minor fabrications when applying for a job, for those doing the hiring, it remains problematic. For attorneys, who must contend with severe ethical regulations and privacy laws, it is increasingly imperative to safeguard against bad hires. This CLE course will teach practical tips for attorneys on how to use pre-employment background checks to maintain a rigid hiring process that conforms to the highest standards of legal complian... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Outbound and Inbound Taxation: An Overview of U.S. Tax Law

    The globalization of the economy has created countless opportunities for investors, importers and manufacturers. But the consequences of inbound taxation (foreigners doing business in the US) and outbound taxation (Americans doing business overseas) are growing increasingly complex. This comprehensive and fascinating CLE course will explain all the tax ramifications of these transactions, with particular emphasis on structuring options for all types of transactions including that for ownership... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Swiss Banks, Smuggling and Other Asset Recovery Issues

    In its 2007 National Money Laundering Strategy report, the U.S. government estimated that as much as $36 billion annually from just the former Soviet Union, was being secretly transferred through U.S. bank accounts and U.S. shell companies. Besides using U.S. bank accounts and shell companies, kleptocrats, Ponzi schemers, divorcing spouses, etc., can of course conceal assets by parking them in Swiss or other foreign bank accounts. This program analyzes how bank secrecy laws, multiple jurisdic... More Info

    2.5General Credits

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