California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • The Supreme International Crime: Benjamin Ferencz Presents A Legal History from Nuremberg to Kampala

    Benjamin Ferencz, who, as Chief Prosecutor for the United States, was instrumental in convicting twenty two defendants for their participation in the murder of one million victims of the Holocaust, offers insight into the evolution of international criminal law since the groundbreaking trials at Nuremburg. As this riveting CLE course will explain, the creation of the United Nations coincided with a global struggle to determine whether crimes of aggression should be prosecuted. In this compell... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Freedom of Contract or Freedom from Contract? A Comparison of the Various Jewish and American Traditions

    This CLE course will explore the evolution of contract law, focusing on the different models of contracts in Talmudic and American law. In particular, this course will discuss how Jewish law sought to construct a functioning legal system without a clear doctrine of bi-lateral contracts. Emphasis will be placed on both the sale of land and the sale of other goods. Additionally, this presentation will concentrate on freedom of contract as a legal doctrine. More Info

    1General Credit
  • An Introduction to Mental Health Law

    Mental Health Law crosses multiple boundaries in everyday legal practice. Attorneys face issues of mental capacity in executing Wills, Trusts, Advance Directives for health care decision making, and other planning documents; matrimonial and family law attorneys face issues of clients and others in their cases who suffer from serious mental illness, substance abuse, psychological disorders and developmental disabilities; criminal attorneys have cases involving those with mental health issues an... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Issues Facing Practitioners in Family Law

    Family law practitioners are confronted with complex ethical dilemmas in their everyday practice. In this CLE course, experienced matrimonial and family law attorney, Samuel J. Ferrara will take you through a series of hypothetical's exploring the myriad ethical issues faced by family law and matrimonial attorneys. Address the possible resolutions of these ethical concerns, such as issues regarding the certification of a statement of net worth, as well as custody and visitation. This program i... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Anatomy of a Deposition

    The pre-trial deposition stage is a critical point in any litigation. Indeed many personal injury and commercial cases are either won or lost during the deposition phase. Our panel of experts provides practical guidance, while teaching basic deposition skills, techniques for handling commonly encountered problems, how to use depositions at trial and how to seek rulings from a trial judge. A demonstration of how to conduct a deposition is also re-enacted. Some of the specific issues addres... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Co-op and Condo Law and Practice: A View from Both Sides

    Learn the important issues involved in negotiating and finalizing co-op and condominium deals, as well as the unique legal and regulatory issues surrounding living in co-ops and condominiums. The respective rights of the co-op/condominium and the shareholder/unit-owner are discussed as well the rights of developers involved in the sale of new buildings. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Introduction to the Fair Debt Collection Practice Act (FDCPA)

    This CLE course offers a thorough introduction to the Fair Debt Collection Act (FDCPA). Presented by Harvey Rephen, who specializes in consumer protection from abusive and illegal debt collection, this fascinating and timely CLE course includes a comprehensive overview of the FDCPA and an explanation of the various restrictions placed on debt collectors. The course also details the parameters of communication with debtors and third parties, prohibited practices, and civil liabilities with rega... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • An Overview of State and Local Contracting Issues & Practice in New Jersey

    A fascinating and detailed two-part CLE course covering every nuance of New Jersey Contracting issues, this expansive CLE course offers attorneys a thorough review of state and local issues. The first part, entitled New Jersey State Government Contract Law and Process is presented by Patrick D. Kennedy, Esq. Beginning with an overview of both contracting methods and their alternatives, Kennedy then goes in-depth and covers areas such as interactions with procuring entity, specifications, const... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Is Criminal Lawyering About Truth?

    A panel of prosecutors and defense attorneys explore the key issue of whether criminal lawyers should ascertain the complete truth from their clients as well as other ethical dilemmas confronted by criminal practitioners. Must a lawyer believe his or her client's testimony? Why do clients lie? What should a lawyer do after learning that the client lied? This course provides a fascinating discussion no matter which perspective you come from -- prosecution or defense. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • Cross Examination Techniques

    Even well-planned cross examinations can go horribly awry. And while each case presents its own unique challenges, the key to preparing successful cross-examinations lies in following specific guidelines. In this CLE course, experienced defense attorney Benjamin Brafman will take you through each step of the preparation process. Drawing on his vast experience, including his involvement in the Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs case, Mr. Brafman will explain the basis for determining which witnesses to cr... More Info

    1General Credit

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