California MCLE - All Courses
This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
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Trial Advocacy Techniques and Strategy: From Hearings to Verdict
Established criminal defense attorney Jeffrey Schwartz presents this essential and informative CLE lecture on the specific skills and techniques that characterize exceptional and consistently successful trial attorneys. Learn how these skills apply to trial phases including Openings, Summations, Voir Dire and Omnibus Hearings and explore how strategies are structured and styled to create a compelling, appealing trial presentation. More Info
$751.5General Credits -
Legal Pitfalls Relating to Public Relations & Online Media and How it Affects All Practitioners
Whether you’re involved in a high-profile, media frenzy case or the most common of lawsuits, there are a wide variety of ethical issues that arise in litigation proceedings. This engaging CLE course, presented by prominent defense attorney Benjamin Brafman, offers attorneys a complete and detailed look at the legal and ethical issues including public perception, disclosure and discussions of pending litigation, drafting, damage control and issues surrounding electronic communication. More Info
$751Total Credits0.5 Ethics -
What You Need to Know About Trying a Disc Injury Case
Traumatic and spinal disc injuries are among the most frequent and potentially significant, severe and catastrophic injuries suffered by plaintiffs in personal injury cases and petitioners in workers’ compensation cases. Representation of such clients requires not only the astute mind and skill of the trial lawyer, but it also requires knowledge of the medical aspects of such injuries to properly conduct a direct and cross examination of the medical witnesses. This course provides knowledge... More Info
$2006General Credits -
Lead Paint Litigation: A Plaintiff’s Guide
Every year thousands of children become casualties of lead poisoning. The injuries caused by lead poisoning can be devastating. Do you know what constitutes lead poisoning and how to successfully prosecute a lead poisoning case? Learn what lead poisoning is, how a child becomes poisoned with lead, what discovery you can obtain from the defendant and how to establish liability in a lead poisoning case. How do you counter the Anything But Lead (ABL) defense and prevent the defendant from impr... More Info
$501.25General Credits -
Summation: A work in progress
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn strategies and practical tips from one of the country’s most prominent defense lawyers. In this course, Mr. Brafman shares exciting and relevant examples from his vast experience representing a wide range of clients. Learn why a good summation begins to take shape when you first meet the client, as you begin to understand the nature of the charges you will be defending. This course also discusses summation styles, using exhibits effectively and how to prop... More Info
$501General Credit -
Civil Appellate Practice
Somehow, the judgment goes against your client. Should you appeal? What are the true appealable issues? How will the Appellate Court analyze the case? Should you handle it yourself? These and other crucial questions are considered in this seminar. Although the focus is on California law, the basic principles apply throughout the states. This course will help the civil trial attorney advise a client when faced with an adverse judgment, and it will provide valuable guidance to counsel who... More Info
$501General Credit -
Class Actions: A Primer with Tips
In this introductory course, class counsel Susan Chana Lask provides a step by step approach to filing a class action case. Learn whether your case will qualify, what the effect of filing is and how the court certifies the case as a class action. In addition, this course covers FRCP 23 and offers tips and strategies that will help any attorney understand the basics of filing and defending a class action lawsuit. More Info
$501General Credit -
A Lawyers Guide to Theatre Production
Donald C. Farber has been practicing Entertainment Law for over 50 years. His vast experience in theatre resulted from his having to learn on the job. As a result, he wrote his first book on producing an Off-Broadway play. This course could easily take its title from that of his book, “From Option to Opening.” This course sets forth exactly what one must legally do to represent a play from beginning to end--that is from the Option to Opening. Along the way, after discussion of the O... More Info
$1352.5General Credits -
Drafting Basic Testamentary Documents
Learn the basic requirements for drafting wills and simple trusts and become familiar with the requirements of a number of different types of documents. Topics covered include: Will drafting; Information collection and client interviews; Fiduciary tax compliance; Introduction to estate tax – drafting basic trusts. More Info
$1252.5General Credits