California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Ethical Considerations When Responding To Lozada Complaints

    Immigration is a rewarding practice area with a collegial group of practitioners. While immigration law is among the most complex, a great benefit is colleagues who generously share their knowledge and experience with one another. This makes it even more difficult when one lawyer must prepare and file a disciplinary complaint against another in order to zealously represent their client under the requirements of Matter of Lozada. While most training on the subject focuses on filing a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Effective Mediation: What the Mediator Needs to Know to Resolve Your Case

    The latest statistics indicate that well over 95% of all civil cases settle before trial. Mediation is an effective tool that contributes to this high pretrial resolution. This CLE course is designed for beginners and seasoned attorneys to assist in streamlining written and oral presentation at mediation, and getting key information in front of your mediator. More Info

    1General Credit
  • PFAS: The New Contaminant of Enormous Concern

    This CLE lecture will discuss the regulation of a new variety of contaminants, PFAS chemicals, also known as “forever chemicals.” As technology evolves, so must the law. We will discuss PFAS chemicals in the context of the federal and state drinking water regulations, with New York State currently having adopted the strictest of standards. This will include a discussion on the difficulties public water suppliers face in having to achieve these standards. We will also explore th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Transnational Legal and Cultural Issues Arising when Doing Business Internationally

    This CLE course covers issues of concern when documenting transactions which must satisfy more than one legal system (transnational transactions). This will be clarified with examples of American businesses doing business in China. The course emphasizes the need to understand and interpret laws and regulations in the context of the culture of the place where business is being conducted. Since a lawyer must document the business concerns of the parties, understanding those concerns a... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Motion Practice in Family Law: Tips and Techniques

    In this CLE program, John Teufel, a matrimonial lawyer who has dedicated his practice to drafting motions and briefs for family attorneys, will share his tips and tricks for: creating effective affidavits and affirmations, explain the procedural boxes litigators must check, and discuss the larger strategic importance behind family law motion practice. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Residential Lease Drafting Primer

    In a course designed both for the seasoned practitioner and the newcomer to lease drafting, this CLE course discusses the essentials in drafting a residential lease and provides specific language for specialized clauses. The course includes theory, rationale, and specific language for suggested lease clauses. While some of these clauses are rarely found in modern day leases, they certainly should be as they speak to some of the hottest topics in the field. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Shoemakers with Barefoot Children: What Attorneys Need to Know About Their Own Estate Planning

    This CLE program will feature a discussion of how to make an action plan to protect yourself, your family and your practice. This practical "how to" program will review practical asset protection planning steps practitioners should consider, current generation of insurance options that may help practitioners and other practical steps they should consider. While many of these planning ideas are suitable for clients, the focus of this program is helping YOU – the practitioner. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Questioning Techniques for Depositions: To Question, Or Not To Question, That Is The Question

    Taking a Deposition is both a science and an art. While so few know how to take great depositions, even fewer receive the kind of training that is needed to ask the right questions. In this 90 minute live video session, you will learn the most sophisticated of techniques in how to draft questions that will make any deposer a true star. You will learn innovative information techniques, what documents (in a prioritized fashion) are most useful in crafting questions, how to make a comp... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How Not to Lose Your Case at a Plaintiff’s Deposition

    This CLE course will cover the unique pitfalls of defending a plaintiff at their deposition. The presenter will act like a defense lawyer honing in on the potential weaknesses and problems that can arise at a deposition, and endeavor to help the viewer recognize them and overcome them to achieve success. The course will also touch upon his primary goals when for preparing for, and deposing defense witnesses. More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Respond to a Motion for Summary Judgment in Brief Form and at Oral Argument

    This CLE Course will address the tools and tactics when responding to civil motions. It will teach you all the basic civil procedure rules you need to know when a motion filed against your client hits your inbox on a Friday afternoon. The presenter will explain the best strategies and ways to respond to a motion including all the little-known obscure practice rules that will preserve your client’s claims and allow you to admit the evidence needed to support your arguments at trial. More Info

    1General Credit

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