California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Investment Strategies for Trusts

    Investing trust assets requires a trustee to consider and balance several factors to carry out the trust purpose in the best interests of its beneficiaries. They must also comply with legal principles that affect how the assets are to be managed in the absence of specific guidance in the trust documents. For example, the Uniform Prudent Investor Act, which has been adopted by many states, requires trustees to follow certain rules when investing trust assets. Our panelists will review t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Unequal Inheritances: A Final Parental Communication

    A common issue for those trying to plan an estate, especially the dispositive provisions of a will or revocable trust, are the dispositive provisions. What are dispositive provisions? How do they impact the planning of a will or revocable trust? Should they be equal or fair? This CLE course will address all of these issues and discuss factors to consider when helping your client with this determination. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Intriguing Insurance and Related Issues

    This CLE course is a survey of issues that are looming under the headlines, or have in some cases been the source of headlines but are unresolved. Mr. Kornblum will identify various areas in insurance law and related areas that he believes will be important in the future. His focus is on giving you some insight to these areas so you can be on the lookout for cases involving them or similar issues. This is a 'heads up' approach to the Insurance Law Practice. More Info

    1General Credit
  • SECURE Act Update: Where Do We Go from Here?

    The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE) was passed almost a year ago, and practitioners are still trying to figure out how it affects their clients, how it might impact their strategies and what action to take. This CLE course will offer a brief overview of the new rules and how they are applied and offer tips and tools for effective retirement planning as well as how to help your clients through the process in light of the new laws. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Best Technologies for Practice Development

    Technology has and continues to change estate-planning practices. At this juncture, many firms are largely paperless, cloud-based practices, using document generation software and a wide array of different software products to facilitate better client interactions, better management and more efficient research and drafting. And with COVID-19 still raging in many areas, more practitioners are working remotely. This panel will explore the many technological changes affecting estate plann... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Key Federal & State Estate Planning Considerations and Opportunities

    An overview of the best estate-planning strategies from a state and trust situs perspective, as well as from a federal standpoint, based on possible upcoming changes in the tax laws. Estate planning strategies vary, but there are some tried and true methods that are valuable to know. This CLE course will provide an overview of the best of those strategies. The course will take both a state and trust situs perspective and will also look at the issues through a federal lens. Future potent... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Financial Planning for Lawyers

    While everyone understands the importance of financial planning, most presentations are centered around retirement planning. However, attorneys have other concerns. Right out the gate they are burdened with significant student loan debt. They start to make good money, but are paying more in taxes. As a result, their children are less likely to qualify for financial aid so they have to weigh their own retirement against their kids’ education. Depending on their comp structure, salary may be dis... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Marijuana and Synthetic Cannabinoids: Highlights of the Science for Attorneys

    As marijuana sources expand to medical-use and legal recreational-use, attorneys encounter more cases involving these substances and their role in impairment. Questions arise concerning the differences between marijuana metabolites; how drug testing results can be interpreted; how the various sources of marijuana (edibles, "joints", oils) differ in potency and effects on the body; what is the science behind the marijuana breath testing device; what are synthetic cannabinoids and how... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cryptocurrency, How to Find and Track it in Divorce Litigation

    While spouses hiding assets from divorce court is nothing new, cryptocurrencies are changing the game. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be purchased for cash, held electronically without the help of a third party, and transferred nearly anonymously. This CLE course will start by providing attorneys with a basic understanding of cryptocurrency, how it works, and how it is held by an owner. The course will then provide practical tips on how attorneys and their clients can gather more in... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New Developments in Asylum Law

    This CLE lecture will discuss recent changes to asylum law and with an emphasis on how they may apply to future Asylum Cases. The first part of the lecture will cover the basic ideas behind asylum, how it has historically existed, and how it will change when new regulations come into effect. The second part of the lecture will look at how this may affect new asylum applicants and especially those from the Middle East. More Info

    1General Credit

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