California MCLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for California. Please make your selection below of California CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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  • Challenging the Breath Test in a DWI Case: From Discovery to Cross-Examination

    This CLE program is designed for attorneys who handle DWI cases in New York and are looking for ways to challenge the breath test. I will break down the discovery material provided by the District Attorney’s Office in order to use it to your advantage. In addition, we will focus on cross-examining the breath test operator to show potential issues with the chemical test. Finally, this program will provide an overview of defenses used to challenge the test result and explain when an expert wi... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Third Annual Litigation Ethics Summit

    Applying ethics rules during litigation is hard in normal times. Applying ethics rules in times of upheaval and downward pressure on fees is even harder. How has work-from-home increased compliance risk? How should we handle aggressive opposing counsel? Where’s the line between lying and puffery in settlement discussions? How can firms and clients ethically deploy litigation funding sources in a down economy? To understand your obligations and manage these and other risks you need to keep up w... More Info

    3Ethics Credits
  • Dram Shop, The Toxicology and the Law

    Attorneys may regularly encounter criminal cases involving alcohol, such as DUI cases. But what about civil personal injury cases where alcohol is involved? One such example is the dram shop case. A driver who is intoxicated following the use of alcohol may or may not have been visibly intoxicated while served at an establishment. If an injury occurs, was it a result of that patron being overserved? Was the patron underage? Dram shop statutes will vary from state to state; however, there are s... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • How to Try Section 1983 Lawsuits Against Police for Fabrication of Evidence in Reports, Affidavits, and Testimony

    “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about the weather.” -- Mark Twain Twain’s quip could equally apply to the epidemic of police lying swamping the nation. The epidemic taints criminal proceedings, conceals police misconduct, and reduces public respect for law enforcement and Law. Many attorneys have witnessed police telling outrageous whoppers, and few have seen them called to account. False police reports and “testilying” are effectively tolerated in the nation’s... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How to Maintain a Successful ADR Practice in the Age of COVID…and Beyond

    Join NYCLA's ADR Committee for PART 2 of its discussion on the Business of an ADR Practice -- Maintaining an ADR Practice. Topics to be discussed include: How Has COVID Changed ADR Practice Cybersecurity Best Practices and Insurance Considerations in the Age of COVID Running an ADR Practice: Solo or Partnership; Are 2 Better than 1? Retainers, Invoicing, Payment Plans, Dealing with Accounts Receivable Never Stop Learning as we Move Toward the Future Evolving as a Professional in... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Jury Selection In Civil Cases: What You Need To Know

    Never underestimate the importance of jury selection. Your opening remarks to a jury panel are usually the first words the jury hears concerning the facts of the case. We all know the importance of first impressions. Jurors begin forming impressions of the case from the first moment of the selection process. Attorneys who approach jury selection as rote, redundant, boring, and an obligatory procedure are not serving their clients well. Focused, sharp attention must be paid to questi... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Business Purchase Agreements: Drill Down Deep Into The Three Main Purchase Agreement Types

    This CLE program will explore the three types of main purchase agreements that a business attorney needs to prepare or review in connection with the purchase or sale of all business assets, some business assets, or an ownership interest in a business. The three types are: (1) Asset Purchase Agreements; (2) Membership Interest Purchase Agreements and (3) Stock Purchase Agreements. In this program we will examine in great depth the following agreements from three transactions handled by the pres... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Nuts and Bolts of Immigration Law for Criminal Defense Attorneys

    Representing noncitizen clients in criminal court complicates matters. New lingo, new malpractice traps, half-stories, added stress. Cut to the quick and hear from a trusted source, an immigration lawyer who also practices criminal law. Build from the basics and know when to seek help. This CLE course is designed for the working criminal defense attorney, More Info

    1General Credit
  • Who's Zoomin' Who? Virtual FINRA Hearings, Mediations and Developments in a Real Life World

    Join us when we share tried and true insights and guidance on managing FINRA virtual hearings: Topics we will cover: FINRA Dispute Resolution Services Developments and Updates Tips and Techniques to Best Present on a Virtual Platform (first step: unmute yourself) FINRA Zoom Arbitration and Expungement Hearings –Panel Conference, Pre-hearing, Hearing itself Handling Exhibits Expert Witness Testimony –Witnesses Preparation, Virtual Direct and Cross Examinations Virtual Mediations... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Protection of Designs through IP: An International Perspective

    The relationship between designs and copyright has been historically a complex, if not challenging, one. Several countries around the world have traditionally envisaged stricter requirements for copyright protection of these objects. In addition, although IP overlaps are not prohibited per se, concerns relating to the protection of free competition and freedom of expression (including in commercial settings) have warned against too 'relaxed' interpretations of the law. Recent judicial decision... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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