California MCLE - Art Law Courses

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  • The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law as it pertains to the music industry; discuss fair use, parody, and compulsory licensing; the elements of copyright infringement and how they pertain to music; the importance of the deposit copy... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Hot Topics in Broadway Law: Attack of the Coronavirus

    When the pandemic hit all of Manhattan’s 41 Broadway theaters closed at once due to COVID-19, shutting down both long-running hits like Hamilton and Wicked and new plays and musicals. This CLE program explores the complicated legal issues facing the professional theater industry as a result of COVID-19, which involve temporary livestreamed theatrical programming, the role of unions, intellectual property protection, ongoing contractual obligations, insurance coverage policies, refunds for canc... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Hot Topics in Theater Law

    Curtain up! This CLE program explores the legal issues involved in producing a multi-million dollar Broadway show and the duties of a theater attorney as production counsel. Topics to be explored include the unions and trade associations of Broadway, the importance of the general manager, formation of a single purpose production entity such as an LLC, “front money”, underlying rights, applicable contracts for creative personnel (writers, actors, director, choreographer, designers), rights and... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Managing and Valuing Tangible Personal Property in Estates

    This CLE program will discuss best practices for managing and valuing tangible personal property in trusts and estates. The program will cover a variety of different kinds of property including motor cars, jewelry, rare books and fine art and give an overview on the following topics: Appraisals values and purposes IRS-defined qualified appraisers and qualified appraisals IRS Art Advisory Panel Factors affecting valuation (and past examples) Regulated materials Authenticity Title/... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Estate Planning and Charitable Giving after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

    Charitable giving will be hit hard by the new tax law. Estimates are that donations might drop by $14 Billion because of the Tax Cut Jobs Act. How did the new law change charitable giving? What planning strategies should average donors, wealthy donors, and ultra-high net worth donors pursue? How should development officers reframe charitable giving conversations with prospective donors? How can non-grantor trusts be used to salvage a full charitable contribution deduction? Bunching deductions,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • United States Supreme Court: Where Art, Pop Culture and the Law Meet

    The decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Court itself, has a huge impact upon the lives of U.S. citizens. Join us as Rudolph Carmenaty takes a look at how recent decisions by the Court have affected the art world, including what constitutes legitimate artistic expression, as well as how pop culture has impacted the way the Court is perceived, depicted and influenced. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • The Art of Divorce: Art as Marital Property, Treatment of Art in Prenups, Valuation Issues, Division and Beyond

    Divorce tears families apart in every way – including with regards to artwork. And while in many instances it’s custody of the children or who gets to keep the house that garners the most attention, a collection of prized art can be a hard fought battle in a divorce negotiation. This CLE course will explain how to navigate the issues of art as marital property, how to value pieces and collections, strategies for dividing property and addressing artwork in pre-nuptial agreements. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Who Chooses? Who Loses? Legal and Reputational Issues in Funding Public Art and Art Institutions

    Funding from art institutions comes from a variety of sources, both public and private. Ultimately, a donor and the institution or organization it funds becomes inextricably tied – mention one and people immediately think of the other. But what happens when that connection becomes detrimental? Can an institution legally remove a donor’s name? Can they remove a director? At what point is a donor or director’s reputation sufficiently damaging to provide legal cause for removal? What is the removal... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues in Art Collecting: Practical Planning for Art Collectors & Their Advisors

    Art is unlike many other occupations. It combines the creative passions of inspiration and personal vision with the business acumen of marketing and salesmanship. For this reason, it is an incredibly difficult asset to incorporate into a financial and tax plan that is comprehensive. This CLE course will provide a complete overview on how to strategically approach the ideal disposition for their collection. Geared for both collectors and advisors, the course will review collection practices and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    This CLE program will focus on the current state of copyright law. Listen to a star-studded panel from Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz's IP Litigation Group as they present a rundown of the latest developments. Topics include: Copyright ownership of film, video and other content Defending small copyright claims Copyright ownership of graffiti and other “street” art Star Athletica and ownership of cheerleader uniform designs and other fashion executions Recent cases affecting copyrig... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Ninth Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 9th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Immigration and the Arts Money Power Beauty: Framing the Value Issue In Fine Art and Collectible Losses The Art is... More Info

    6.5Total Credits
    1.5 Ethics
  • 8th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 8th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Welcome and Introduction Challenges Faced by Claimants Navigating the World of Holocaust Art Restitution Wallflo... More Info

    6.25Total Credits
    2 Ethics
  • Legal Issues Relating to the Purchase and Sale of Art

    Purchasing a piece of art would appear to be a simple transaction, but one look at the process and entities involved makes it clear it is more akin to a real estate purchase. Art must be appraised both with specific documentation and an expert’s eye. It is subject to a conditions inspection, provenance review, UCC-1 filing and expert examination. The sale itself has its own complications including contracts, lien searches and proper registration. This CLE course will explain all of these item... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • From Murder to Museums: Recent Cases and Ethical Considerations in Nazi Looted Art

    While much attention has been given to the resolution of the case surrounding the "Woman in Gold portrait", learn the facts and ethical considerations behind the current pending controversies regarding artworks looted by Nazi Germany, including Camille Pissarro’s “Shepherdess Bringing in Sheep,” currently residing at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art in Norman, Oklahoma and Egon Schiele’s “Girl With Black Hair,” currently at Oberlin College. This fascinating discussion will look at the l... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.75 Ethics
  • Seventh Annual Art Litigation & Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 7th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. More Info

    6.5Total Credits
    2 Ethics
  • Introduction to Art Law

    A relatively recent term, “art law” refers to a complex and interdisciplinary body of law that governs the creation, ownership, and sale of art. Whether your client is an artist, gallery, creditor, private collector, donor, museum, or not-for-profit organization, understanding the legal fundamentals that underlie this industry is essential to effective counseling. Introduction to Art Law is designed as a course in the basics of art law, focusing on the legal relationships among the va... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Litigation of the Arts: Conflict Resolution & Regulation in Fine Arts & Installations

    Join a diverse faculty for the 6th Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute, as they discuss many of the hot-button issues affecting the art world today. Topics to be discussed include: PANEL 1: Regulation of Art Not-for-Profits PANEL 2: The Law of Hans Haacke's Art and the Art of Hans Haacke's Law PANEL 3: Installation Art PANEL 4: Trademarks in Fine Art PANEL 5: Fair Use and Appropriation After Prince PANEL 6: 3D Printing in the Arts -- With Live Demonstra... More Info

    6.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics

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