California MCLE - Business Law Courses

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  • International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches

    This CLE course provides an overview of the legal aspects of cross-border joint ventures (JVs). It covers the basic “nuts-and-bolts” of JVs, such as purpose, capital contributions, governance and management, veto rights and minority protections, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, exit strategies and dispute resolution, but aims to do so specifically in the cross-border or international context. That means also addressing cultural and foreign law issues, repatriation of profit... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • NYS New Cannabis Law: What You Need to Know About the Business, Licensing, Regulatory and Criminal Provisions

    Join us for a discussion of the new NY Cannabis law and its impact on businesses, including obtaining financing, as well as the licensing and regulatory requirements. The criminal provisions of the new law will also be addressed by Judge Kamins. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Counsel's Role in Developing & Adopting a Code of Ethics

    Codes of Ethics often occupy a gray area. Is the Code a policy? A part of By-laws? Is it enforceable? Does it apply to everyone? Is it mandatory, merely aspirational or just window dressing? It has become increasingly common for organizations of all types – for-profit, non-profit, governmental, homeowner associations and others – to adopt such Codes. What these disparate entities have in common is a small cadre of persons acting on behalf of larger constituencies under the scrutiny of... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Increasing Revenue for Your Clients and Yourself Through Franchising

    The purpose of this CLE course is to show you how you can increase the revenue of both your client and yourself through franchising. The lecture describes the advantages of franchising, the success of franchising in the United States, the types of businesses that can be franchised, what is involved in establishing a franchise system, the registration requirements of various states, the Franchise Disclosure Document, your duties as a franchise attorney and your options as a franchise a... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Overview of FinTech Regulation and Compliance

    A very high-level overview of some of the issues and challenges facing attorneys representing companies that are utilizing new technology to improve and automate the delivery of financial services (FinTech). Overview of the core principles and regulatory regimes in the United States governing key aspects of financial services including banking, securities, funds, money transmission, commodities, and anti-money laundering, and how these affect the operations of FinTech companies.... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How Covid-19 Legislation has Impacted Commercial Landlord-Tenant Litigation

    The past seventeen months dramatically changed the commercial Landlord-Tenant practice. This CLE course will introduce key legislation and executive orders which impacted a landlord’s ability to collect rent, a tenant’s ability to delay paying rent and a guarantor’s ability to avoid personal liability and practical consideration and suggestions. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Trade Practice and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

    In this course, Arielle Albert and Keven Danow review the trade practice laws set forth in the Federal Alcohol Administration Act and the Code of Federal Regulations as administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”). They will explain how the current three tier system applies to the manufacture and distribution of beverage alcohol. In addition, they will provide an overview of how the trade practice regulations keep suppliers from exe... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New York’s Brand-New Power of Attorney

    This CLE will discuss the brand new Power of Attorney law that took effect recently. Elizabeth Forspan, Esq. will go through the major changes to the form and how attorneys and others should plan accordingly. Elizabeth will review the key items to include in new powers of attorney being prepared. More Info

    1General Credit
  • From Law to Leadership: Transitioning into a Business Role

    In this CLE course, presenter Mark J. Wuellner discusses how attorneys can make the transition from the practice of law to a business role in any organization. Speaking from practical experience, he guides you through discovering your purpose for the move and what opportunities you might find to apply your legal skills, up to the C-suite level. He presents challenges and misperceptions attorneys face when competing for a C-suite job, and helps you find ways to bust through. Finally,... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • For Those Who Dare: Practical Legal Approaches to Funding Start-Up Companies

    Helping fund start-up companies can be a high wire act. It is exhilarating, but it requires practical and nimble approaches to balance the provision of quality legal work with the demands of limited time, money and other resources. This course addresses various types and stages of funding, from bootstrapping to priced equity rounds. It also addresses related topics that help prepare start-ups, and best position them, for successful fundraising efforts. More Info

    1.25General Credits

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