California MCLE - Business Law Courses

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  • Serving Rural Clients Using Technology

    Did you know there are thirty counties in Nebraska that have three or fewer attorneys? Did you know that eleven of those counties have zero attorneys? This is a huge problem in rural areas across the country. This lack of “access to justice” prevents many individuals and families from protecting their rights and utilizing the justice system. This CLE program will review how these barriers arise, what tools to use to serve rural clients, and detail some of the speakers own stories, both success... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Ethics of Deception

    As lawyers, the most profound ethical issues we face generally arise not so much where the choice is between “good” and “bad,” or “right” and “wrong,” but, instead, where the issue compels us to choose between two (or sometimes more) competing “goods” so that by choosing the one we necessarily abandon the other. Indeed, as we see in this program, the core ethical values of our profession force these decisions because they impose fundamentally conflicting duties upon us, and compel us, theref... More Info

    1.75Ethics Credits
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    This CLE program will focus on the current state of copyright law. Listen to a star-studded panel from Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz's IP Litigation Group as they present a rundown of the latest developments. Topics include: Copyright ownership of film, video and other content Defending small copyright claims Copyright ownership of graffiti and other “street” art Star Athletica and ownership of cheerleader uniform designs and other fashion executions Recent cases affecting copyrig... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • A Legal Guide to Social Media Advertising around the Globe

    Truth in advertising becomes even more complicated when social media is thrown into the mix. In this format, what exactly constitutes advertising, and what are the rules that advertisers muse adhere to? This CLE course will offer a detailed look at advertising in the social media age and include discussions of transparency, sponsorship, endorsements, user-generated content, and affiliate marketing. The course will provide an overview of FTC guidelines and case studies describing how those gui... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues of Social Media & Advertising in the US and Around the Globe

    Social media has opened vast new avenues for advertising through channels that can cross the globe in a matter of keystrokes. But with these new opportunities come the rules and regulations that guide the type of advertising permissible, whether it relates to advertising text and images or usability and transparency. This CLE course will explore the ins and outs of social media advertising including issues of jurisdiction when advertising overseas, referral based advertising and the ub... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Asset Protection Planning Continuum: Practical Steps for Estate Planning Lawyers

    Asset protection planning is appropriate for every client, not only the wealthy surgeon or wealthy business owner creating an asset protection trust (APT). With the declining relevance of estate tax planning, and the possible repeal of the federal estate tax, estate planning is being transformed. Maximizing income tax basis on death will only hold modest allure for most clients. However, asset protection planning, is relevant to every client. The construct of an asset protection planning conti... More Info

    1General Credit
  • How to Open a Law Practice

    Join a panel of seasoned practitioners as they share their tips and techniques for opening a law practice, with an emphasis on matrimonial practice. Some of the topics to be addressed include: How to compose a biography; Client intakes; establishing fees; setting up escrow accounts; deciding whether to take a case, or not to take a case; websites, social media and ethical advertisement; other ethical considerations .. and much more! More Info

    2.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Special Board Committees

    Panel 1: Special Committees for Investigations and Litigation The panel will discuss the roles of special committees in investigations and litigation; defining the scope and delegation of authority; demands on boards, conflicts, independence; extent of inquiry; legal standard for adequacy of investigation; reports to the board, special committee reports to boards—written or oral; and waiver of privilege. Panel 2: Special Committees for Evaluating Transactions Our panelists... More Info

    2.25Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Understanding IP and Attorneys’ Use of Technology

    This CLE course will introduce the key parts of Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets) to the audience. Attorney Greg Popowitz will go through what Intellectual Property Protection will provide, the process, international protection, general considerations, and common mistakes/misconceptions. Greg will also introduce the recent passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act, the first federal civil cause of action for trade secrets. The second part of the cou... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Ninth Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 9th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Immigration and the Arts Money Power Beauty: Framing the Value Issue In Fine Art and Collectible Losses The Art is... More Info

    6.5Total Credits
    1.5 Ethics

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