California MCLE - Cannabis Law Courses

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  • The Growing Legal Issues Facing Cannabis at the State and Local Government levels

    With over 33 states now having legalized cannabis, state and local control over medical and/or recreational marijuana has become a critical issue. Cannabis businesses, whether they be dispensaries, grow facilities or the like must consider zoning restrictions, and other regulations as part of their business planning. In this light it is important for attorneys in the area of cannabis law to be able to properly guide and counsel their clients to help them achieve their goals. The attorneys fro... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Investing in the Cannabis Industry 101

    The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering investment or transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, inves... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Mergers & Acquisitions in the Cannabis Industry

    The Cannabis industry is arguably the fastest growing industry in the United States, if not globally. Opportunities abound both with respect to hemp and marijuana, but it’s critical to understand the landscape and nuances that are unique to the industry when considering transactions in the space. Join Brent Johnson, CEO of Hoban Law Group (a leading global law firm dedicated exclusively to the Cannabis space), as he provides a high-level overview of the Cannabis industry, conducting mergers... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Cannabis Legalization in New York State: Selected Issues

    This CLE course will focus on the movement towards cannabis legalization in New York, culminating in the failure of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act. It will examine key issues that emerged as conflict points in the negotiations to finalize the language of the legislation. It will examine regulatory models for the cannabis market and the role of local government, focusing, in particular, on the contemplated relationship between New York State and New York City. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Ethical Considerations: Retainers and Disclaimers in Cannabis Law

    This CLE course covers the emerging principles in the ethical representation of clients in cannabis related matters. Ms. Burke starts with a broad overview of laws and ethical rules that govern attorneys at both the federal and state level. She then narrows her focus onto specific aspects of the ABA, as well as New York’s recent guidance on attorney ethics as it relates to cannabis. Ms. Burke shares scenarios highlighting the difference between giving business advice and giving legal advise an... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Follow the Money: Legal Pitfalls of Investing in Cannabis

    This CLE course will provide a broad overview regarding the wealth of opportunities that exist when thinking about investing in the cannabis industry, including breakdowns and industry overviews with current trends in mergers and acquisitions. This is followed by a discussion of regulatory and other key issues for U.S. investor clients including banking, 280E, and lack of research. The course continues with information about investing in cannabis abroad with a special focus on Canada and the p... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Insurance Implications for Cannabis Lawyers

    This CLE course will review how insurance works (or doesn’t work) in cannabis related business and what options attorneys have for advising their clients appropriately. Ms. Greenberg touches upon the types of insurance needed within cannabis industry niches. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Introduction to Cannabis Law and Medical Programs

    This CLE course begins with medical education from one of New York’s leading voices in medical cannabis, Dr. Bernie Lee, as he explains cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Dr. Lee explains the important differences between THC and CBD: what they are, the effect of each on the human body, and why it matters when it comes to how marijuana is regulated through medical programs. Patricia Heer, Esq., follows Dr. Lee with a basic introduction into the legislation that has been enacted... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Litigation Strategies for Ending Prohibition

    This CLE course begins with a historical overview of cannabis law in the United States, starting as far back as 1900 and bringing us to the present day – while highlighting key points along the way that shaped policy, perception, and laws regarding marijuana. Mr. Holland discusses and explains the different claims that have been made in attempt to reclassify cannabis including very recent, and somewhat confusing, judicial decisions. With an eye on the future, Mr. Holland shares his opinion abo... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Marijuana Matters in the Workplace: Cannabis & Employment Law

    This CLE course begins with an overview of marijuana use statistics as they relate to the workplace. Ms. Gluck focuses the discussion on the employer challenges that come with contradictions and overlapping rules regarding federal and state employment protections. Finally, Ms. Gluck shares insight regarding employer obligations to accommodate and provide leave for medical marijuana use, as well as best practices for employment policies. More Info

    1General Credit

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