California MCLE - Civil Rights Courses

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  • Crimmigration Essentials: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Crimmigration can be a trip down the proverbial rabbit hole so let’s get back to basics. Develop an effective roadmap to get to answers that count for your non-citizen clients charged with criminal offenses, and more. Walking through a time-proven analysis, this CLE course will provide the bearings needed to get to real answers that equally protect your practice and your non-citizen clients. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Policing under Section 1983: The Year in Review

    The past few years have been a monumental one for policing in America. Get on top of the developments that will affect your practice. First, a review of the Supreme Court’s term: residential searches under Caniglia v. Strom; residential arrests under Lange v. California; and intent to restrain as a seizure under Torres v. Madrid. Next, the top ten ways policing after George Floyd and Breonna Taylor will affect your practice: from qualified immunity, choke holds, and no-knock warrants;... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Police Misconduct: Litigation Under 42 USC §1983

    This CLE course will review all major aspects of federal litigation arising out of police misconduct, focusing on claims of excessive force and wrongful arrest. Major doctrinal issues will be addressed, including claims under the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments against individuals and governmental entities, and the qualified immunity defense. Practice pointers will also be offered to both plaintiffs’ and defense counsel. Several exhibits will be provided to illustrate points made, and us... More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Deep Delta Justice: A Black Teen, His Lawyer and Their Groundbreaking Battle for Civil Rights in the South

    Join us for a very special event as Matthew Van Meter discusses his book Deep Delta Justice, the book that inspired the documentary A Crime on the Bayou. The book tells the “astonishing history” of a lawyer and his defendant who together achieved a “civil rights milestone.” . Van Meter revisits Duncan v. Louisiana, the 1968 landmark Supreme Court decision which affirmed that the constitutional right to a jury trail applied to state courts. It started with the 1966 arrest of a 19... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Police Disciplinary Records: One Year After the Repeal of CRL 50a

    A panel of experts will provide a lay of the land on how to obtain police disciplinary records under the New York Freedom of Information Law, and also during the discovery process in criminal cases and § 1983 civil rights cases. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • How to Handle an Employment Discrimination Case

    Hear from a distinguished panel, including the Assistant Commissioner of NYC Commission on Human Rights and Magistrate Judge Judith McCarthy, what you need to know to handle an employment discrimination case. Our panel will discuss: Overview of Agency Practice: Drafting a Complaint and answer Litigation Tips from the Plaintiff’s Perspective Litigation Tips from the Defendant’s Perspective Judicial Perspective on Employment Discrimination Litigation … and MORE!! More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • What is Special Education Law and is it for Me?

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 afford strong federal legal entitlements and protections to school-aged children with disabilities. However, the statutes themselves and the cases which interpret them are complicated, and the process of enforcing these laws complex. Moreover, the field comes with its own benefits and pitfalls. If your clients occasionally have questions in this area and you don't know how to answer the... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Suing the Police: The Law of Police Misconduct

    Police misconduct and police reform are at the forefront of the national conversation. This CLE course provides a comprehensive two-hour overview of federal civil rights litigation involving the police. For attorneys and concerned citizens new to this area of law, it explains the constitutional standards governing the police and the opportunities and challenges of achieving accountability through the civil justice system. For attorneys who practice in related areas, such as criminal... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Gun Free School Zones Act vs Federal Preemption

    The Gun Free School Zones Act course will discuss Robert Dorf, Esq.'s theory of Federal Preemption by which it is argued that GFSZA preempts and supersedes State Law and especially the Search and Seizure / Stop and Frisk law of the State of New York as compared to Federal Fourth Amendment law as set forth by the Supreme Court of the United States. The course discusses current / proposed weapons detection and warnings technologies available or being developed to protect public, private and par... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Primer of Florida Defamation Law: Issues and Pitfalls

    To assist attorneys in learning the main nuances of Florida Defamation Law with a focus on identifying viable cases, value of cases and extent of work needed to overcome litigation issues that are unique to Defamation cases with a focus on Florida Law. Participants will learn about the elements of defamation, the defenses, including statute of limitations and the special media defendant as well as a contemporary case law status as to how Courts are determining the interplay between first amend... More Info

    1General Credit

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