California MCLE - Contract Law Courses

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  • Illinois Mechanics Liens

    This CLE course deals with the Illinois Mechanics Lien statute, 770 ILCS 60 et seq. In the course we’ll discuss the following: What a mechanics lien is What you get by asserting and then being awarded a mechanics lien Who can assert a mechanics lien Who or what can a mechanics lien be asserted against What type of work one must have performed to be able assert a mechanics lien How you assert the mechanics lien Limitations, including notices and times for filing Liens on Public Funds... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ninth Annual Art Litigation and Dispute Resolution Practice Institute

    For the 9th consecutive year, join us for this special program which brings together a diverse roster of speakers ranging from artists, art consultants, appraisers, members of the bench, bar, museums, art galleries, auction houses, to government officials and members of non-profit organizations as they discuss the most relevant legal issues affecting the art world today. Immigration and the Arts Money Power Beauty: Framing the Value Issue In Fine Art and Collectible Losses The Art is... More Info

    6.5Total Credits
    1.5 Ethics
  • What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws

    Important changes to federal overtime rules take effect on December 1st. The changes significantly increase the salary basis threshold for the so-called "white collar" overtime exemptions raising the pay for millions of workers. The new rules present challenges for employers, particularly in the media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality industries, where lower wages can be common for skilled work. Are you ready? Join Wendy Stryker, counsel to FKKS Executive Compensation and Employment... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Five Reasons to Read Your Construction Contract

    You have agreed on the price. You have agreed on the scope of work. Now what? Well, you still need to memorialize your agreement into a written a contract that includes the acceptance and the shifting of certain risks. This does not mean you should just sign whatever is presented to you though. This CLE course will outline the specific areas to study in a contract including indemnity clauses, order changes and notice requirements, payment requirements, delay damages and dispute resolution. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Nuts and Bolts of Florida Contracting Licensure

    Yes, you need to be licensed to perform construction contracting in Florida. What does this entail? Who needs to be licensed? What happens if you are not licensed? This CLE course will explain the contractor licensing process in Florida as well as explain who requires licensing, who does not and the consequences for contracting without a license. More Info

    1General Credit
  • What Attorneys Need to Know About Miller Act Payment Bond Claims

    If you are a prime contractor, subcontractor, or supplier on a federal construction project, you NEED to understand the Miller Act and know what your rights are. This includes preserving your rights to payment against the Miller Act payment bond and defending, in the case of the prime contractor, any claim that may be asserted against the bond. This CLE course will explain how the Miller Act preserves your rights to payment under its bond and how to defend that right, particularly agai... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Everything Is a Negotiation: Strategies and Ethical Considerations for Attorneys

    All too often, traditional negotiation strategies result in blown up deals, protracted litigation, and destroyed relationships. Since we all negotiate every day, the stakes are far too high to rely on tired tactics that don’t work. Some people believe that effective negotiators are born, not made, but this presentation will prove them wrong. Join Joe Campolo, a law firm managing partner and business owner, as he shares the alternative negotiation strategies he relies on to solve problems and g... More Info

    1.75Total Credits
    0.5 Ethics
  • The Use of ADR in Construction Law Cases: What the Industry Forms Say About ADR

    Join NYCLA’s Construction Law Committee and ADR Committee and a panel of experts for a discussion focusing on: Part 1: Introduction and Different Types of ADR Part II: How Industry Forms Deal with ADR Industry forms use of ADR Mistakes to avoid in ADR Pointers for a successful ADR Tips for drafting a good ADR agreement How to select a good arbitrator/mediator/neutral The future of ADR Pointers for ADR on public projects … and MORE! More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • How Did this Lease Land on my Desk? The Lawyer’s Guide to the Business of Commercial Real Estate Leasing

    Obtaining a commercial office lease may seem to be the simplest part of opening and running a business. But the major clauses in a typical lease can greatly impact your day-to-day business. This CLE program will explain the most common clauses of a typical commercial office lease and how to ensure the best lease for your client. The course will also delve into the strategies necessary to negotiate a lease before an attorney needs to intervene. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • An Overview of Construction Lien Law

    Like it or not, most lawyers are bound to encounter issues related to a mechanic’s lien at some point in their career. When a mechanic’s lien suddenly appears in a continuation title search at a closing, its important for the real estate practitioner to know what kind of options are available to get rid of the lien and avoid having to adjourn the closing. On the other hand, when a general practitioner who represents an electrician who is owed $100,000 from a general contractor is asked to prep... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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