California MCLE - Criminal Law Courses

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  • Hot Button Issues in Firearm Law

    Firearms are the only items that are readily accessible in the vast majority of states yet are highly controlled in a few States mostly limited to the Coasts. In addition, Firearms are the only items listed in the Constitution that one has a Constitutional right to possess. However, misuse of firearms or the possession or sale of the wrong types of firearms can have life changing consequences on the owner, possessor or seller of the firearm. New York has a very complex statutory scheme regu... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • The Complexities of Multijurisdictional Practice: Deciphering Rule 5.5

    Many, if not most lawyers, engage in multijurisdictional (MJP) practice from time to time. For example, a criminal defense lawyer might be asked to represent a client in a state where she is not licensed. Or perhaps a lawyer is asked to travel to a state where he is not licensed to negotiate a contract. Some lawyers, those who practice immigration law for example, regularly engage in MJP. This is an increasingly important topic because MJP will only become more common in the future, especi... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Recollections of the Last Surviving Prosecutor: 70 Years Since Nuremberg

    The trials at Nuremberg, where twenty two major Nazi criminals were prosecuted, was a pivotal historical event that had tremendous impact on international criminal law in the decades since. The trials, which sentenced twelve of the defendants to death, coincided with the larger global issue of how and when to prosecute crimes of aggression, who should prosecute these crimes and how to determine which crimes are actionable. This riveting CLE course, is led by none other than Benjamin Ferencz, w... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • School Discipline Basics for Attorneys

    This CLE course will provide an overview of the laws applicable to the discipline of general education students and of students with disabilities (IEPs and 504s). The course is for school attorneys, parent attorneys, disability attorneys, educators, school board members, and attorneys in other practice areas who have an interest in school law and legally compliant student disciplinary procedures. In this guide to discipline of students you will learn about the laws that govern student discipli... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Ethical and Effective Social Media for Lawyers

    As social media has become entwined with our personal and professional lives, attorneys must be aware of their ethical obligations with respect to the many social media platforms that are being used. It is not uncommon for attorneys to share information on a regular basis by blogging, having a website, commenting on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. When using these platforms and communicating this information attorneys must be sure they are not committing any ethical violations. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Your Witness: The Art of Direct Examination

    Today, a great deal of time and emphasis are placed on CCTV footage and DNA testing. And yet, cases – both Civil and Criminal – are about real people and real witnesses. Their stories and positions are told through their testimony – and through their direct examinations. While by no means exhaustive, this CLE program will guide the practitioner in crafting, planning, and preparing powerful testimony. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Trial: Part 1, Winning Techniques

    This CLE program presents winning strategies that Tom Liotti has learned as a rough and tumble New York lawyer who has successfully tried all types of cases throughout the nation. You will learn his secrets and tricks of the trade and share in his motivation for doing justice. The program is an indispensable guide for the trials of civil and criminal cases by one of the nation’s premier, high profile lawyers. More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • Cross Examination Skills and Practice

    Although each trial case has its own set of unique challenges, in order to conduct a successful cross-examination it is essential to follow specific guidelines. In this CLE course, experienced defense attorney Saad Siddiqui takes you through each step of how to prepare and conduct a cross examination. Drawing on his considerable experience, Mr. Siddiqui will present an overview on which witnesses to cross-examine and how to design an effective cross. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethical Issues in Criminal Practice

    Ethical issues force themselves on the busy lawyer amidst the whirlwind of an extremely contentious criminal trial. Sometimes they arise before trial-or even before a crime- occurs. Unfortunately, many practicing lawyers are unable to recognize ethical issues when they arise, largely because they are rarely clear-cut. However, it is the responsibility the attorney, under the rules of professional conduct, to find a straightforward resolution to any ethical dilemma that arises in a criminal cas... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision in U.S. v. Salman on the Law of Insider Trading

    The Dec 6, 2016 court ruling in US v Salman clarifies the “personal benefit” requirement and eases the government’s burden of proving insider trading cases. But how does this impact other decisions such as US v Newman and the prosecution of future insider trading cases? While the government need not show that the tipper has received something of tangible value, it raises the question of when the relationship between tipper and tippee reaches the level which would satisfy this lesser “personal... More Info

    1General Credit

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