California MCLE - Elimination Bias Courses

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  • Should Online Legal Referral Services be Regulated?

    In many ways we are becoming more and more dependent on our digital devices for both business and personal endeavors, Yet in other ways the business environment has not really changed - businesses are still trying to reach as broad a potential market as possible and counterbalancing potential regulatory and consumer protection issues are still being raised by their products. In the legal arena, on-line attorney referral services have become an attractive way for attorneys to generate n... More Info

    3.5Total Credits
    2.5 Ethics, 1 Elim. Bias
  • Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession

    In the era of #MeToo and #TimesUp, all individuals, organizations and professions need to evaluate their understanding of and policies towards issues of gender discrimination and gender diversity. The legal profession is no exception. This timely CLE course will review issues of sexual harassment, pay equity and diversity in law firms. Practical tips and strategies for increasing diversity and avoiding inappropriate sexual conduct in the workplace whether by individuals or by company culture w... More Info

    1Elimination Bias
  • Sexual Harassment: Workplace Investigations and Litigation in the #MeToo Era

    As a result of the #MeToo Movement Era, it seems that that there has been an uptick in complaints of alleged sexual harassment in for-profit and non-profit companies. Thus, it is now more important than ever that companies and other organizations proactively deal with sexual harassment allegations. Thus companies must: Promptly investigate the allegations; Thoroughly protect the victims against retaliation; Take proper action when wrongful conduct is found; and Take steps to try and... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Elim. Bias
  • Voir Dire: The Differences between Civil and Criminal Litigation

    Understand how to select a jury from the perspective of the plaintiff/prosecutor and the defendant in a civil and a criminal case. The different considerations that arise when selecting a jury for a criminal and a civil case will be discussed, as well as how to identify implicit bias on the part of jurors or counsel, and how to deal with it when bias does occur. More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Elim. Bias
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    Have you been hearing about implicit bias and wondering what that means and if it affects you? Do you question whether the legal profession truly upholds justice and fairness for all? Maybe you’re just wondering what all the hullabaloo is about. In any case, this CLE is for you. Together we will explore the origins of bias, define implicit and explicit bias, look at ways that bias has impacted the legal profession, and define the causes of action arising from bias. More Info

    1Elimination Bias
  • Bias in the Legal Profession

    Learn how to make sure that you and your firm makes employment decisions in an unbiased manner. This CLE course will teach how bias can translate into legal causes of action and show how these lawsuits have affected certain law firms. Learn what to avoid, what actions to take, and how to make sure that our profession creates a fair and just playing field for all. More Info

    1Elimination Bias

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