California MCLE - Ethics Credit Courses

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  • Ethical Concerns for Vehicle and Traffic Law Matters

    How do you respond when a Judge asks you to provide potentially damaging information about your client? This CLE course attempts to address strategies to navigate potentially perilous ethical concerns with regard to Vehicle and Traffic Law matters. I will discuss ways you can be an effective advocate for your client while remaining compliant with your ethical responsibilities. This includes plea negotiations with the prosecutor on DWIs and moving violations, dealing with plea restri... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Considerations When Responding To Lozada Complaints

    Immigration is a rewarding practice area with a collegial group of practitioners. While immigration law is among the most complex, a great benefit is colleagues who generously share their knowledge and experience with one another. This makes it even more difficult when one lawyer must prepare and file a disciplinary complaint against another in order to zealously represent their client under the requirements of Matter of Lozada. While most training on the subject focuses on filing a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Issues Concerning Retainer Agreements, Website Management, and Termination Letters

    This CLE program will present and discuss issues concerning the engagement of clients through effective Engagement Letters, creating and maintaining firm websites to minimize any potential representation risks as well as determining when termination of the Attorney/Client relationship is proper (or required). Participants will be introduced to appropriate forms and strategies when facing the request of representation by a potential client. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Handling Current Legal Ethical Issues

    This CLE course will address practical ethical issues that lawyers face as they work remotely during a pandemic, as well as when discussing personal legal matters with work colleagues. We will also examine recent examples of attorneys acting as “over”-zealous advocates for their clients, and some recent examples of what happens when lawyers behave badly. Topics include: Working Remotely Discussion with Colleagues about Personal Legal Matters “Over”-Zealous Advocacy Lawyers Behavi... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • In the Beginning... and Before: Ethical Considerations at the Outset of Representation

    This is a two part lecture discussing the professional responsibilities of an attorney prior to representation. The first part of the lecture will discuss solicitation and barratry including ambulance chasing, rules of professional conduct, consequences, and enforcement. The second part will be a discussion on the importance of engagement letters, what they need to contain, and how they can be used to reduce the risk of malpractice claims. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Legal Ethics in Tax Practice

    Lawyers generally understand that tax is a niche practice area with unique characteristics. The distinguishing factors include not only the technical aspects of the discipline, but also the way practitioners need to mind ethical standards. On top of the ABA Model Rules and the ethics codes of the individual states, tax lawyers also answer to IRS Circular 230. They also must navigate the various penalties set forth in the Internal Revenue Code. For opinion practice, tax attorneys look t... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Considerations for Multistate Referral Rules and Fees

    In this CLE seminar taught by a former Morris County Assistant Prosecutor, you will learn best practices and Rules for Attorney Referral Rules in New Jersey and throughout the United States, State by State. Topics include: The Policy Behind Fee Sharing Prohibition Model Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 7.3 Profit Sharing Agreements or Employee Profit Sharing Plans More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Ethics and Art of Settlement at Mediation

    This course will focus on the best way for attorneys to benefit from mediation, including presentation, psychology, strategy and the moves that help to get the best results. The course will examine the mediation process and how ethical behavior can ultimately lead to success. The presenter will share his personal views regarding the relevant American Bar Association Model Rules for Attorney Conduct. Having extensive experience representing, both plaintiffs and defendants, the speaker i... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency

    Join us for a CLE program exploring the requirements for ethically using social media to build your referral network and the interplay of Rules of Professional Conduct on advertising, solicitation and attorney communications. This program will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct related to advertising and marketing on the internet, and how the ethics rules have not yet caught up with new technology. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Legal Ethics: Dos and Don’ts for Attorney Advertising

    This CLE program will discuss the ethics rules as they relate to the oft-confusing issues of lawyer marketing, advertising and solicitation. What’s the right balance of advertising, social media, video and client engagement to grow your practice. What’s the difference between and advertisement and a solicitation and why does it matter? Can I practice under a Trade Name? Learn how to best comply with the rules and review the latest ethics opinions. More Info

    2Ethics Credits

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