California MCLE - Intellectual Property Courses

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  • Negotiating Skills for Lawyers: How to Win Gracefully

    In the study of contract negotiations, there is perhaps no greater teaching tool than experience. Lots of it. This CLE course, presented by a veteran of contract negotiation, not only offers tried and true strategies for successfully negotiating contracts, but does so based on the most contentious of industries—the theater business, where egos are highest, the job market is smallest and the personalities are the least predictable. The course explains, amid entertaining anecdotes, important tip... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Courthouse

    Do you need to substantiate anything in that very funny commercial you are planning? It is easy to assume that a funny ad is just “puffery.” After all, no reasonable consumer would take it seriously, right? Well, what happens if it isn’t funny? How do you rely on humor to ensure that no claims requiring substantiation are communicated? In this CLE, Rick Kurnit will recount the cases where humor won the day for the advertiser -- and those where the final advertising did not leave the judge... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Ethical Issues in Intellectual Property

    Using a series of hypotheticals, intellectual property lawyers and an ethicist will discuss how to best deal with the ethical dilemmas that arise during the everyday practice of intellectual property lawyers. More Info

    2.25Ethics Credits
  • Basic Patent Law for Non-Practitioners: What Every Attorney Should Know

    It seems that not a day goes when by someone doesn’t come up with the “next big thing.” Even if your product doesn’t change the world, you certainly don’t want someone else taking credit for it. This CLE course on patent law will explain the importance of patents, the different types of patent protections and the patent application process. The course will also review: Patent vs. Intellectual Property Typical Lifespan of Patents Preventing Loss of Rights Legal Requirements for Patenta... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Trademarks 101: An Introduction to Basics

    Trademarks 101 is not your typical basic course on trademark law. It takes more of a practical approach rather than a purely academic one which is meant to give you a window into what issues to spot as a non-IP lawyer in an in-house counsel role. It highlights what items qualify as a trademark, what diligence is necessary before using a potential mark, what constitutes infringement, and the interplay of trademarks and domain names. More Info

    1General Credit
  • The “First Sale Doctrine” in the 21st Century

    As most of you know, the “First Sale Doctrine” is a provision in copyright law that permits the owner of a copy of a copyrighted item to sell or transfer that item to another person. In other words if you buy a book or movie CD, you can sell or give away that copy without running afoul of copyright law But there are, of course, lots of nuances and exceptions to this rule. For example, the protection only covers works that were “lawfully made” under the copyright act, and it only protect... More Info

    0.5General Credit
  • A Lawyers Guide to Theatre Production

    Donald C. Farber has been practicing Entertainment Law for over 50 years. His vast experience in theatre resulted from his having to learn on the job. As a result, he wrote his first book on producing an Off-Broadway play. This course could easily take its title from that of his book, “From Option to Opening.” This course sets forth exactly what one must legally do to represent a play from beginning to end--that is from the Option to Opening. Along the way, after discussion of the O... More Info

    2.5General Credits

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