California MCLE - Intellectual Property Courses

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  • Legal Issues Relating to Artificial Intelligence and Inventions

    The CLE presentation begins with an introduction to the law of inventorship in United States patent applications; who qualifies to be named as an inventor, why it matters that inventors are properly named on an application, and what happens when inventors are not named properly. The basics of what constitutes “artificial intelligence” and the sorts of things that artificial intelligences are inventing are touched upon, and then the status of a recent USPTO decision on the acceptabili... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A View from Congress: New Copyright and Trademark Laws

    Hidden beneath the headlines of the partisan politics and violence that has engulfed the Capitol, Congress passed three new copyright and trademark laws that could impact your business: the Trademark Modernization Act, the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement (CASE) Act, and the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act. And a draft bill for reforming the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is circulating in committee. We’ll break down these new laws and explain why they should matter t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • New York State Establishes Post-Mortem Right of Publicity and Other New Protections

    Governor Cuomo signed legislation extending New York State protections for the right of publicity. This establishes, for the first time in New York, a right of publicity after death, and also extends protections against the use of digitally created replicas of performers as well as against unauthorized depictions of sexually explicit conduct. In this CLE, we will explore: What has changed (and what remains the same) in New York’s Right of Publicity Law? Who is protected by the newly... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Protection of Designs through IP: An International Perspective

    The relationship between designs and copyright has been historically a complex, if not challenging, one. Several countries around the world have traditionally envisaged stricter requirements for copyright protection of these objects. In addition, although IP overlaps are not prohibited per se, concerns relating to the protection of free competition and freedom of expression (including in commercial settings) have warned against too 'relaxed' interpretations of the law. Recent judicial decision... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What Happens When Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Under State Law Meets Patent Rights

    Psychedelic law reform under local law began recently when Denver voters decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms. The reform movement has spread quickly across the United States, generating both headlines and conflict between pharmaceutical companies seeking FDA-approval of psychedelic drugs and activists opposed to commercialization. Oregon voters legalized psilocybin-assisted therapy in clinics using products manufactured under state licenses. What patent protections are available to lic... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Copyright, Fair Use, and Looking Toward the Future

    This CLE program will introduce viewers to the basics of copyright law and to the affirmative, and often judicially expanding, defense of “fair use.” The instructor will explain the significance of Google v. Oracle, which was recently been argued before the Supreme Court, and its potential impact on the judicial interpretation of what constitutes “fair use”. Some recent copyright regulations, such as one permitting for group registration of short online works, and pending legislation will als... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Alleged Misappropriation of Trade Secrets and Confidential Information Counseling and Litigation

    This CLE program will discuss the current state of trade secret litigation, including an analysis of the impact of the Defense Trade Secrets Act, state law trade secrets claims and other types of claims that are often brought when former employees join competitive organizations. More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • International Protection of Trademarks

    Trademarks are among a company’s most important assets in our tech driven global economy. Current technology enables new start-ups to market their products and services virtually overnight to customers in foreign countries. The challenge is how to cost effectively ensure that a client’s trademarks are protected abroad, even before sales have been made. With the exception of the United States and the Philippines, the right to exclusive use of a trademark is created by obtaining nation... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Rise of the Media Giants: How the Laws and Technology Shaped Today’s Media

    This CLE course is about the laws that shaped electronic media ultimately resulting in the media giants we have today. It’s a story of competing media industry forces capitalizing on the amazing advancements in technology and how laws have aided, but also capped, the ability to grow. We will cover the development of the radio and television industries, the 1934 Communications Act and early regulation of electronic communications, the emergence of cable from just retransmitting signals to bec... More Info

    2.5General Credits
  • International Data Movement: Issue Spotting from Afar

    In a global economy world, the movement of data has become second nature. Data passes hands and through countries often and quickly. However, organizations in charge of data management may have legal issues of concern when handling personal and client data. This CLE course is designed to provide a high level thought process and approach to identifying potential legal issues when advising clients or businesses in moving data from an origin country to a destination country. More Info

    1General Credit

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