California MCLE - Medical Law Courses

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  • Dram Shop, The Toxicology and the Law

    Attorneys may regularly encounter criminal cases involving alcohol, such as DUI cases. But what about civil personal injury cases where alcohol is involved? One such example is the dram shop case. A driver who is intoxicated following the use of alcohol may or may not have been visibly intoxicated while served at an establishment. If an injury occurs, was it a result of that patron being overserved? Was the patron underage? Dram shop statutes will vary from state to state; however, there are s... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • What Happens When Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Under State Law Meets Patent Rights

    Psychedelic law reform under local law began recently when Denver voters decriminalized psilocybin mushrooms. The reform movement has spread quickly across the United States, generating both headlines and conflict between pharmaceutical companies seeking FDA-approval of psychedelic drugs and activists opposed to commercialization. Oregon voters legalized psilocybin-assisted therapy in clinics using products manufactured under state licenses. What patent protections are available to lic... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Crash Course in Probabilistic Genotyping

    This course was prepared in conjunction with the National Association for Public Defense. By viewing this CLE by I am affirming that today I am neither a prosecutor nor viewing this course with the purpose of aiding the prosecution of any criminally accused. I further affirm that I am dedicated to the ideals of the criminal defense practitioner, and am committed to the causes of effective and zealous defense of those charged with crimes, the protection and assertion of constitutional rights affo... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • DNA Dystopia: Privacy Rights in the Age of Genetic Surveillance

    This course was prepared in conjunction with the National Association for Public Defense. By viewing this CLE by I am affirming that today I am neither a prosecutor nor viewing this course with the purpose of aiding the prosecution of any criminally accused. I further affirm that I am dedicated to the ideals of the criminal defense practitioner, and am committed to the causes of effective and zealous defense of those charged with crimes, the protection and assertion of constitutional rights affo... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Neuro Anatomy for Lawyers

    The law and anatomy are considered by some to be equally complex. Yet, client representation in a variety of cases often requires lawyers to understand anatomy, physiology and injuries in relation to the law. This CLE course is specific to musculoskeletal and neuroanatomy. The purpose of this webinar is to provide lawyers with an understanding of these anatomical regions, as well as positioning and expert witness testimony. Key Topics: Cases where medical expert use is required; Expert... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • What You Need to Know and Do to Try a Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Case

    It is essential in trying a chronic traumatic encephalopathy case to attain knowledge of relevant neural science, neurology, neuroimaging and neuropsychology for direct examination of medical experts and, even more importantly, for cross examination by the utilization of generally accepted medical literature. Relevant literature is referred to regarding medical issues relating to CTE. The applicability of the Federal Rules of Evidence with regard to expert witnesses is also analyzed and discus... More Info

    8.25General Credits
  • Decide to Thrive: The Case for Lawyer Well-Being

    Do you believe it's not possible to be a healthy lawyer? Do you think that you have to work harder to make more money? Do you think that there's only one way to practice law? Join Julie Bonasso, Esquire, a former practicing AmLaw 100 firm attorney and master certified coach as she takes on the objections and myths of being a lawyer in these challenging times. Julie shares her story and those of other attorneys who have decided to create the life they desire, fueled by well-being. She de... More Info

  • ADA and Psychiatric Disabilities

    More and more employees in your workforce have psychiatric disabilities. What are the rules for dealing with such employees and when can you discipline them for violation of your work rules. What types of reasonable accommodations do you have to provide to them and what are some of the requests that can trip you up? When can you terminate an employee with psychiatric disabilities because they are a "direct threat to themselves or others" and when do you have to continue their employment? Atten... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Rethinking Harm in Personal Injury and Negligence Cases: Using Psychosocial Evaluations to Uncover Harm

    Many attorneys, particularly in the fields of personal injury and medical malpractice, struggle to understand the injury their clients have suffered. In this course, attorney and forensic expert Mark Silver provides for the lawyer a useful and humanistic tool to better conceptualize and understand the harms that the client has suffered, such that the lawyer in question can advocate for the client in a more informed and holistic manner with a consideration for a broad range of harms that requir... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Coronavirus, HIPAA, Telecommuting and Force Majeure: What Every Organization Needs to Know

    Today’s webinar focuses on the ongoing issues associated with Coronavirus pandemic and its application to HIPAA, Telecommuting and Force Majeure provisions. The particular areas, which will be covered are as follows: (1) brief overview of the Coronavirus, quarantine and the allocation of resources from a bioethics perspective; (2) HIPAA – Privacy and Security Rule Requirements; (3) teleworker requirements; & (4) force majeure contractual provisions. At the end of this program, participan... More Info

    1.5General Credits

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