California MCLE - Practice Management Courses

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  • Starting a Solo Practice

    One of the great things about being a lawyer is that you don’t have to spend your life working for other people: you can always “hang out your shingle” and practice on your own. When you start your own law practice, you are an entrepreneur, and will face many of the same management challenges entrepreneurs face when starting new businesses. Like any entrepreneur, you will need to create business, marketing and operations plans to ensure that your enterprise will be successful. In this ente... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Cybersecurity During COVID-19 and Working From Home: If You Think It’s Not Your Problem … You’re Wrong!

    Do you and your firm feel that cybersecurity issues are not pressing issues that you must concern yourself with? Maybe that used to be the case, but during the current pandemic, with so many people working from home and telecommuting, cybersecurity issues are EVERY lawyer's concern both from a practical and ethical standpoint. Questions to be addressed include: What is Cybersecurity? Whose problem is it? What are the issues lawyers and firms are facing? Why should lawyers a... More Info

    2Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Practicing Law in a Pandemic: Remote Lawyering in the Age of COVID-19 PART II

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought sweeping changes to the way industries function both in the US and across the globe. As industries adapt to this new reality and the workforce learns to function remotely, risk assessment has changed as well. In the legal profession, that means a complete re-evaluation of confidentiality and client responsibility with a focus on risk management, client and staff communication and how to establish long and short term plans to effectively and successfully naviga... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Practicing Law in a Pandemic: Remote Lawyering in the Age of COVID-19 Part I

    The legal industry has dramatically changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more law firms across the country (and the world) are instructing attorneys and staff to work from home. For many, this is a significant change from what daily practice used to look like and lawyers are being asked to quickly adapt. But as we move to remote work platforms, the risk of mishandling confidential information and violating important duties to clients increases. How do you manage the risks to... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Cyberthreats to the Legal Profession: How Lawyers and Clients Can Protect their Data

    Cybersecurity is now top of mind for many lawyers, law firms, and government agencies as increased numbers of lawyers and staff members are working from home and more services are being provided remotely due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Our speakers will discuss the threats that lawyers face, what you need to know about the reasonable security requirement in the NY SHIELD Act, and the cybersecurity related obligations of lawyers. They will also outline steps you can take to improve your cyberse... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • From Enhancing Legal Department Project Management to Process Improvement

    The CLE course will focus on how legal departments can benefit through committing to continuous improvement and methods by which improvements can be achieved. Program managers begin by deciding upon methods of collecting relevant information and then facilitating review of this information following (as well as during) each legal department project life-cycle. Process improvement will be considered in the context of formal and informal project management with applications of Lean and Six Sigma... More Info

    2.75General Credits
  • Small Law Firm Management: How to Start and Succeed as a Solo and Small Law Firm

    This CLE course navigates how to open, run and succeed as a small law firm and/or solo practitioner, through real life examples, considerations, problems, success stories and what every managing attorney needs to do in order to sustain and grow a small law firm. This course will give you the tools necessary to hire, manage and fire a staff, insurance considerations, financial considerations, delegating, billing, ethical considerations and the practical lifestyle expectations. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Basic Motion Writing

    In this CLE program, participants will learn the basics of writing a civil motion for filing in the New York State Supreme Court. The course covers the steps in drafting and producing a NYSCEF-ready set of motion papers, including the Notice of Motion, Attorney Affirmation, and Memorandum of Law. It also teaches a simple, efficient workflow to keep your writing on track, organized, and clear so you can spend less time stressing and more time producing high-quality, effective motions that win t... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Leveraging Technology for Law Office Efficiency

    This CLE course will be a presentation of concepts. For those who have not yet fully digitized their office and taken all of the functions into the cloud, this course will provide an introduction to: Owning a domain and integrated mail services. Potential integrated domain-wide applications (e.g. Google Apps or Microsoft Live) Practice Management Software (local versus cloud, integrated billing/timekeeping, integrated file storage, mobile and remote functionality, local copy synchroniz... More Info

  • Technology Ethics for Lawyers: What You Don’t Know Can Certainly Come Back To Haunt You

    Many lawyers are unfamiliar with the nuances of computer technology and data security essential to comply with 21st century ethics rules and our digital world. There are many hidden dangers in frequently used tools and platforms, including e-mail, social-media and “the cloud.” This seminar presentation will assist lawyers and law firm legal departments to identify and avoid or minimize the risks, many of which they may not be aware. This presentation will also provide suggested solutio... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits

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