California MCLE - Social Media Courses

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  • Discovering the Lost Coin: Helping Clients Recover from Online Scams

    If you've ever had a client who was subjected to online fraud over more than $100,000, you need this course. In this CLE, we take a close look at the latest iteration of a Ponzi scheme to defraud innocent people - "Pig Slaughtering Scams". We consider how these cases come to light, the various avenues of pursuit to recover losses and litigation strategies that can be tailored to this type of case. More Info

    2General Credits
  • Modernizing Off-Channel Communications Supervision

    Join panelists as they discuss observations from thematic reviews of off-channel communications such as text and social media platforms and effective techniques firms are using to provide oversight of their firms’ communications. This session will discuss: Communications Landscape Rule Requirements--Books and Records, Communications with the Public, and Supervision SEC and FINRA Enforcement Actions Observations from Thematic Reviews of Off-Channel Communications OSE-Facilitated Comm... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Importance of Registering Your Copyright in the Music World

    This CLE course will demonstrate how important it truly is to register your copyrights in the music world. Registering copyrights is the best way to both add value to creative works and protect them. We will discuss the cost-benefit analysis of registration; go through a primer on Copyright Law as it pertains to the music industry; discuss fair use, parody, and compulsory licensing; the elements of copyright infringement and how they pertain to music; the importance of the deposit copy... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Antitrust Primer in The Age of The Internet/Information

    What is driving the recent upsurge in competition law enforcement by the FTC, the DOJ Antitrust Division, the States and in private litigation? To address this question, this course provides an antitrust primer with background from key, foundational cases addressing single firm and joint conduct that violate the antitrust laws. We then focus on the major antitrust cases recently brought by the government targeting alleged monopolists with platform dominance in the Tech Sector. More Info

    3.25General Credits
  • Trademark Basics: What Attorneys Need to Know

    In today’s fast-paced digital world, trademark protection is increasingly critical and complex. This fascinating CLE course will delve into the basics of federal trademark law every lawyer should know. The course focus is on how to spot issues as a non-IP lawyer in an in-house counsel role. It highlights what items qualify as a trademark, what diligence is necessary before using a potential mark, what constitutes infringement, and the interplay of trademarks, domain names, and social... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?

    If we stop to think about what we look at most during the day, the answer would probably not be our family or friends, nor our clients or colleagues. The most feasible option would be our mobile phone. Smartphones are now our companions for work, social, leisure and even family life. However, excessive use can lead to problems of dependence, addiction and fear. We find ourselves simultaneously connected and alone. Workers today are ‘never turned off.” Like our mobile phones, we only go on stan... More Info

    1Competence Issues
  • Social Media and Ethical Issues in Employment Law – Part 2

    This CLE presentation will explore how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to the use of social media in the work environment. The presentation will highlight social media issues such as privacy, investigations into potential hires, misconduct by current employees and the NY pay transparency law. The presentation is intended to be interactive, with hypotheticals and opportunities for discussion throughout the program. More Info

    0.75Ethics Credit
  • Criminal Defense of #MeToo Cases

    Experienced sex crimes defense attorneys and former federal prosecutors discuss the nuances of sex crimes trial defense during the #MeToo era. The speakers will discuss unique criminal defense aspects to consider during the investigative, pre-trial, trial, and post-trial phases of a sex crimes case. Highlights include: strategy concerning use of experts, discussion of confessions and inculpatory statements of the accused, cross-examination of alleged sex victims, and other strategies a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Metaverse Law: Intro to ARVR, Issues, IP Ownerships, Monetization, Cyber Currency, and Licensing

    With apologies to the Beatles, tech is flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, it slithers unregulated across the Metaverse. From AltCoin to Web 3.0, this course addresses the breadth of tech law in the Metaverse. The lecturer will review some of the basic terminology (in plain English!) before discussing the application of regulatory and statutory law to the Metaverse, how the Metaverse polices itself, and how the Metaverse is monetized. Specific topics will... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • The Ethics of Social Media and Attorney Competency

    Join us for a CLE program exploring the requirements for ethically using social media to build your referral network and the interplay of Rules of Professional Conduct on advertising, solicitation and attorney communications. This program will cover the Rules of Professional Conduct related to advertising and marketing on the internet, and how the ethics rules have not yet caught up with new technology. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • The Weaponization of Technology in Family Law Cases

    As our dependency and use of technology increases, we rely on electronic devices to complete many daily activities. Unfortunately, these same technologies are being seen more and more in family law cases where offenders have identified ways to exploit them in order to facilitate harm towards their victims and co-parents alike. In this CLE program, Steven Bradley will explore the risks and benefits of technology, not only for the clients we serve, but also for you in your personal and pr... More Info

  • Section 230: Kings of the Internet

    Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (“CDA”) grants immunity from civil liability to the heads of online social media companies, empowering them to delete, modify or censor material they deem “objectionable,” or even ban or de-platform individuals at their discretion. They can do all this even if the material deleted “is constitutionally protected.” Since online platforms have become a main source of information for most of the world, this means that a few individuals are th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Metaverse and the Law

    Metaverse is the “new new” technology term. It does not refer to any specific emerging technology. It refers to the way these emerging technologies will interoperate to implement new efficiencies like autonomous driving and virtual adventures like augmented reality that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds . The metaverse is the convergence of the physical and digital worlds The metaverse also translates to a digital economy involving decentralized autonomous organizations trans... More Info

    3General Credits
  • The Art and Law of Surveillance

    This CLE will explore the laws surrounding surveillance in the context of civil litigation, family law and investigations. This will include an examination of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Social Media Ethical Rules, Video Surveillance, the Stored Communications Act, GPS Tracking Statutes, Facial and License Plate Recognition Technology. The course will look at both the law and practicality of surveillance and how to best “use” findings in litigation as fact finding tools.... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Social Media on Trial: A Modern Tool for a Modern Lawyer

    Social media gets a lot of controversy in the legal industry. Some only view it as a way to market their practice, while others have tapped in to more of its potential. This CLE program will guide you how to use social media and the pitfalls that come with using it, research your clients and cases, and efficiently get the latest legal news for your industry. We will talk specific strategies and you will be given resources to utilize in every aspect of practice. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Legal Ethics in the Era of Technology, Social Media, and the Pandemic

    Many lawyers are unfamiliar with the nuances of computer technology and data security essential to comply with 21st century ethics rules in our digital world. There are many hidden dangers in frequently used tools and platforms, including e-mail, social-media and “the Cloud.” The ethical dangers and minefields are compounded and heightened by increased use of digital tools and internet connections in the practice of law, including the use of Zoom and other digital meeting platforms, wor... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Sports Marketing & Media's Top Legal Issues: Analyzing the Past and Preparing for the Future

    Sports are a powerful part of many marketing and media planning arsenals. Yet recent cases show that even the most experienced marketers and properties can fall into legal traps when marketing around sports events. Misunderstanding governing body rules, local practices, and evolving intellectual property law can crater deals, strain relationships and lead to expensive disputes. With so much at stake, brands, agencies, properties, and athletes need to know when they are exposing themselves to t... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Technology Ethics for Lawyers: What You Don’t Know Can Certainly Come Back To Haunt You

    Many lawyers are unfamiliar with the nuances of computer technology and data security essential to comply with 21st century ethics rules and our digital world. There are many hidden dangers in frequently used tools and platforms, including e-mail, social-media and “the cloud.” This seminar presentation will assist lawyers and law firm legal departments to identify and avoid or minimize the risks, many of which they may not be aware. This presentation will also provide suggested solutio... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Legal Issues Related to Launching a Global Advertising Campaign

    There isn’t much in the media that isn’t global these days, and that includes advertising campaigns. But working on an advertising campaign with a global reach may have ramifications that wouldn’t apply on a national scale. This CLE course will explain the primary issues to be aware of when working on a global advertising campaign as well as strategies for working with local counsel in other countries. The use of influencers, global sweepstakes and contests and how to conduct social media campai... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Thinking about IP Rights in Social Media Marketing & other Global Campaigns

    This CLE course is presented by a panel of lawyers representing six countries and will discuss trademark, copyright, and right of publicity issues that may apply to global social media campaigns and internet ad campaigns. The course will explain jurisdiction as it applies to online campaigns and consent requests for user-generated content as well as whether it is permissible to require contestant entrants to relinquish rights to their entries. More Info

    1General Credit
  • 8 Privacy and Advertising Tips for the Games Industry

    This CLE program presented by Gregory Boyd and Daniel M. Goldberg will discuss the most relevant privacy issues involving video games and online advertising. The topics include: GDPR's impact on online advertising, the anticipated impact of the California Consumer Privacy Act and the increased focus by regulators, consumer advocates, academia, and the media on issues like geolocation and youth audiences. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Common Ethical Dilemmas in Civil Practice

    The ethical obligations that attorneys must uphold may be complicated, never more so than when it’s your client who is blurring the lines. This CLE course will explain ethical codes of competence, candor, confidentiality and diligence. The course will present challenging dilemmas in civil practices such as when a client commits perjury, managing social media posts and addressing scams targeting settlement monies in a firm’s trust fund. Practical advice on preventing and managing these and many... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policies

    The vast majority of businesses sponsor a website intended to help market their goods and services. Most of these websites include a section denominated as “Terms of Use” or “Terms of Service.” The Terms of Use purport to act as a contract between website sponsor and the users. That contract can be very important to all website sponsors, but especially so for websites where goods are sold. Unfortunately, the Courts have held that Terms of Use will not be enforceable unless certain procedures a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Get Smart: Ethical Boundaries vis a vis Case Investigations and Evidence Collection in the Digital World

    With ever-changing and expanding social media, it is important for attorneys to understand the ethical boundaries in case investigations and when collecting evidence. This CLE will review various issues of relevance, including wiretap laws, pretexting, social media subpoenas and third-party discovery, traditional investigations, and ethical considerations for attorneys and law firms. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethics and Professionalism

    Much of an attorney’s job is about getting the legal system to work for them, but there are still some lines that can’t be crossed. This CLE course will explain those lines and provide a comprehensive understanding of the Rules of Professional Conduct and how they apply to past, present and prospective clients, the Court, and their adversaries. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Ethics of Social Media: What Attorneys Need to Know

    Social Media has changed the way the people interact and share information in ways that seemed unthinkable a few years ago. This CLE course will explain the types of social media that exist and how they can be ethically used in your practice or as marketing for your practice. Finally, the course will discuss avoiding ethical pitfalls when using social media. Learning Objectives: I. Understand the types of social media in existence and how to use them in an ethical manner. II. Explor... More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • Ethical and Effective Social Media for Lawyers

    As social media has become entwined with our personal and professional lives, attorneys must be aware of their ethical obligations with respect to the many social media platforms that are being used. It is not uncommon for attorneys to share information on a regular basis by blogging, having a website, commenting on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. When using these platforms and communicating this information attorneys must be sure they are not committing any ethical violations. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
  • From Panel to Publisher: Representing Comic Book Creator Clients

    Comic books are not just for kids anymore — they are the foundation of many of the best-selling properties driving today’s motion picture and television industry revenues. The comic book industry and its ancillary markets continue to flourish, with new trends in digital publishing and derivative licensing. This CLE program features top attorneys in the comic book publishing industry and tracks recent trends in comic book business and legal practice. It is designed to help lawyers under... More Info

    3General Credits
  • Technology, Ethics, and Estate Planning Practice Management

    This CLE program will discuss how estate planners can use technology, sometimes in creative ways, to enhance their practice, add efficiencies and cost savings, and provide better protection from problems. How can document generation software enable you to create more robust documents at less cost and permit you to provide better service and planning to your clients. How can you adapt common tools such as calendar and billing systems to provide better communication with your clients, and better... More Info

    1.25Ethics Credits
  • Hot Topics in Copyright Law

    This CLE program will focus on the current state of copyright law. Listen to a star-studded panel from Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz's IP Litigation Group as they present a rundown of the latest developments. Topics include: Copyright ownership of film, video and other content Defending small copyright claims Copyright ownership of graffiti and other “street” art Star Athletica and ownership of cheerleader uniform designs and other fashion executions Recent cases affecting copyrig... More Info

    3Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • A Legal Guide to Social Media Advertising around the Globe

    Truth in advertising becomes even more complicated when social media is thrown into the mix. In this format, what exactly constitutes advertising, and what are the rules that advertisers muse adhere to? This CLE course will offer a detailed look at advertising in the social media age and include discussions of transparency, sponsorship, endorsements, user-generated content, and affiliate marketing. The course will provide an overview of FTC guidelines and case studies describing how those gui... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Issues of Social Media & Advertising in the US and Around the Globe

    Social media has opened vast new avenues for advertising through channels that can cross the globe in a matter of keystrokes. But with these new opportunities come the rules and regulations that guide the type of advertising permissible, whether it relates to advertising text and images or usability and transparency. This CLE course will explore the ins and outs of social media advertising including issues of jurisdiction when advertising overseas, referral based advertising and the ub... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Legal Ethics from the Perspective of a Plaintiff’s Malpractice Attorney

    In this CLE course, legal malpractice attorney Jefferey O. Katz, along with colleague Eric J. Chisholm, explore some of the potential pitfalls every practicing attorney should be aware of. Mr. Katz and Mr. Chisholm will address several impacts of rapidly-changing technology on our duties as practitioners, including the growing consumer expectation for on-demand services, the risks involved in ever-expanding modes of communication, and methods for using technology as an asset to limit the risks... More Info

    6.5Ethics Credits
  • Understanding IP and Attorneys’ Use of Technology

    This CLE course will introduce the key parts of Intellectual Property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets) to the audience. Attorney Greg Popowitz will go through what Intellectual Property Protection will provide, the process, international protection, general considerations, and common mistakes/misconceptions. Greg will also introduce the recent passage of the Defend Trade Secrets Act, the first federal civil cause of action for trade secrets. The second part of the cou... More Info

    1.75General Credits
  • Powering Up: Video Game Law for Attorneys

    With incredible graphics and lifelike presentation, videogames have captured our imagination - and a lot of our free time. But for people in the game business, it's not all about death matches or spawning Pokémon. Behind every new title is an important architecture of law and contracts. What do lawyers in the video game business need to know? Topics include: What laws apply to the video game business? Which game elements are protectable? Who owns what: developer agreements, distribu... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Ethics & Technology: E-Discovery, The Panama Papers, Attorney Liability for Hacks & Other Recent Developments

    Along with looking at recent technological developments and their effect on confidentiality of proprietary information and the lawyer’s ethical responsibilities to protect it, this program will take a special look at e-discovery and the ethical ramifications of compliance or sanctions for lack thereof. Our panelists will also discuss the recent Panama Papers data leak and a lawsuit filed against an attorney in a real estate transaction for failing to send secure emails. Our expert pane... More Info

    2.75Ethics Credits
  • What Every Company Should Know About Identifying and Preserving Documents For Litigation

    Preservation of electronic materials continues to be a hot topic, and the possible sanctions that courts can apply to companies that fail to preserve is an on-going concern for firms. Therefore, it is critical for companies to comply with and understand their preservation obligations and for their lawyers to advise them of these requirements. This CLE program will review when a company's preservation obligations are triggered, the steps that companies should follow to meet those obligations,... More Info

    1General Credit
  • The Art of Voir Dire: A Guide for the Novice Attorney and the Seasoned Professional

    The importance of Jury Selection is frequently overlooked by experienced attorneys when commencing a trial. For the novice attorney, the prospect of selecting a jury can be a daunting undertaking. This CLE program will discuss the rudiments of jury selection beginning with knowing whether the case is ready to proceed, knowing how to go about dealing with your adversary, and knowing what to do and ask when questioning potential jurors. The program, presented by Edward J. Anthony, an att... More Info

    4.5Total Credits
    1 Ethics
  • Navigating Your Company Through a World of Big Copyright Damages: An Insider's Look

    In a world where movies, television, music, books, online content and other media comprise the most valuable assets owned by many companies and individuals, the risks and rewards of copyright infringement have never been higher. Large copyright damage awards are making headlines, with songwriters, photographers, and other rights holders winning multimillion dollar judgments against alleged infringers. In many cases the winners also received their attorneys' fees. The prospect of dealin... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Global Advertising: Advertising Law in Mexico

    With the ever-increasing importance of the web, and social media in particular, as a tool to market consumers, advertising is rarely confined by national borders. As companies think about communicating with a broader range of consumers, throughout the world, it is critical for them to understand the key rules governing advertising globally. This CLE program, co-sponsored by the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance, will provide an overview of the rules governing advertising to consumers... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Ethics: A Review of Traditional Issues and a Discussion of Ethics in the Cyber Age

    This CLE program will provide a review of the traditional areas of ethical concerns, including the establishment and termination of the attorney-client relationship, attorney's fees, marketing and advertising the legal practice and the duty of candor toward the tribunal as well as exploring the ethical issues resulting from communication in cyber space, including firms web pages, social media, cloud-computing, the requirements of maintaining client confidentiality in electronic communications,... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • #You're Fired @Will: Social Media and Employment Law

    Employees talk about everything on social media. Their supervisors. Their clients. The pitch they worked on all night. While many of these comments are harmless, some violate workplace rules or threaten company interests. But disciplining employee social media communications is not as easy as it sounds - even in "employment at will" situations. State and federal law protects certain types of online speech. In addition to the subject matter of the comments, you have to consider wher... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Common Ethical Issues and Pitfalls

    Certain recurring ethical issues are encountered with regularity in the everyday practice of law. The nature of attorney/client privilege and confidentiality, analysis of conflict issues and the obligations of an attorney to other counsel and the fact-finding tribunal, result in frequent consultation of the rules of ethics. The course will cover the most common ethical issues confronted by attorneys, and the presenter will discuss hypotheticals posed by the live audience. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Current Issues in Legal Ethics

    The widespread use of internet communications by attorneys in advertising and with clients requires a re-examination of the ethical rules. The course will examine attorney's speech, what lawyers can and cannot say on a website, in personal and professional blogs and on social networking sites, as well as other ethical issues including setting and collecting fees, privilege and confidentiality and proceedings before the Disciplinary Board. Topics Covered include: attorney's speech - on... More Info

    1Ethics Credit

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